📚 📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🍡 🌱

May 18 | Home post

Another 2500 characters from Island :desert_island: today. Really enjoying reading my first VN!


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月18日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: My Sweetie is Japanese 1 episode Finished!
:orange_book: Dialog: Bus 1 episode 2/8
:desert_island: ISLAND 10k 530.000 char 76 new words
:woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン Chapter 2 part 2

Finished My Sweetie is Japanese. Nice series if you never lived in Japan and want some anecdotes on cultural differences with Japan and the USA.


五月十四日 - 五月十八日・Home Post

Title Today Progress
:japan: Japanese Short Stories for Beginners approx. 10 pages per day 30%
:x: F 落第生 1 page (and a bit) 4%

F is a book that my sister bought me and it is not on Natively so I have no clue how hard it is supposed to be but it is certainly difficult.


:bookmark: Home post // May 18 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (79% → 82%)

Read a bit on the train. Last shift at part-time work, I’m gonna miss the wonderful people there TuT They’re so kind and funny, I’m gonna miss them.


If it has an Amazon link you can add it to natively. Not sure if it doesn’t


May 18th!

Chapter 7 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん today.

(Home Post)


18-19 May | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 82% → 85%
:black_cat: ダンジョン飯7 manga 29 41% → 57%
:carrot: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん 1 manga 20 37% → 100% (completed) :white_check_mark:
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 manga 26 65% (no change)

Missed a day

  • Finished week’s reading for Dungeon Meshi 7
  • Finished 老女的少女ひなたちゃん1 and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Wasn’t expecting that! It was more difficult than I thought almost purely based off Hinata’s accent but I think it really balances the usual ‘reincarnated into a kid’ stuff surprisingly well, plus there was an unexpected cast member that makes me curious about the rest of the series. I’ll probably pick up the rest at some point.
  • Read the week’s book club reading for また夢. I think I’m going to commit to trying to read more prose consistently through the week; it seems to have the highest rate of return for getting more and more used to vocab, building stamina, all that good stuff where I tend to feel a bit stymied by higher-level manga. Not sure where to head next at this juncture (uncertain if I want to dive into Kiki’s or not with the Natively Club, or if I just want to read something consistently on my own), but I have some ideas.

:house: Home Post | :writing_hand: Study Log | 05月18日

Resource Progress Visual
:orange_book: Tadoku L3 Stories 24/24 ■■■■■■■■■■ 100%
:newspaper_roll: NHK Articles 5 ■■■■■□□□□□
:teddy_bear: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん1巻 6/10 ■■■■■■□□□□ 60%
:open_book: DoBJG 19/33 → 21/33 ■■■■■■□□□□ 63%
:cat: チーズスイートホーム1巻 20/20 ■■■■■■■■■■ 100%
:cat: チーズスイートホーム2巻 38/38 ■■■■■■■■■■ 100%
:cat: チーズスイートホーム3巻 38/56 □□□□□□□□□□ 0%
:woman_elf:葬送フリーレン1巻 0/7 → 2/7 ■■□□□□□□□□ 28%

Ended up joining the beginner book club with Frieren, couldn’t help myself :clap: :woman_elf:

Removed shirokuma cafe :polar_bear: from the list since the book club will be starting soon anyway so I’ll read it over again


Late joiner here. よろしくお願いします!

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
01 02
03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

It exists now! Thanks.


Home Post


Today I brewed an intelligence potion. The first thing I used my intelligence potion for was to explain to my hat that the earth is round. He insists the earth is flat.

Reading Type Status
:smiling_imp: 原罪物語 -罪- LN 44/252
:game_die: ノーゲーム・ノーライフ 1 LN 21/301
:beers: VA-11 Hall-A Steam game Day 2 out of ??
:mage: Little Witch in the Woods Steam game Day 7 out of ??
New Vocab
  • くれぐれ = nightfall
  • (しおり) = bookmark, wk54
  • ()える = to wither
  • 物体(ぶったい) = object
  • ()()せる = to pull towards something
  • 引力(いんりょく) = gravitational pull
  • (なみだ) = tears, wk44
  • 沸騰(ふっとう) = boiling, wk53
  • 調合(ちょうごう) = mixing, compounding
  • 肝心(かんじん) = essential
  • 把握(はあく) = understanding, wk50
  • 神殿(しんでん) = temple
  • 融通(ゆうずう) = loan
  • ツケ = ()け = credit
  • 担保(たんぽ) = guarantee, collateral
  • (めん)じる = to exempt
  • 独眼(どくがん) = one eyed
  • 詐欺師(さぎし) = swindler, wk49
  • (かせ)ぐ = to make money, wk45
  • ゴホゴホ = coughing
  • 公式(こうしき) = official, formal
  • 正規(せいき) = legal, legitimate
  • 行政(ぎょうせい) = administration
  • 納品(のうひん) = delivery of goods
  • 市価(しか) = market price
  • (さわ)がしい = noisy
  • 遮断(しゃだん) = isolation, wk57
  • 誘発(ゆうはつ) = triggering, inducing
  • ()く = to emit

5月18-19日 | Home post

I fell asleep and forgot to post yesterday, but I did read some more また、同じ夢を見ていた. It’s really funny how Nanoka is so smart but manages to mess up everyone’s names. And I really empathize with how she can’t read two stories at once :grin:
Today I continued to read Chapter 3 (Week 4 of the BC). Edit: I was able to read some more in the evening, and finished Chapter 3 (Week 5 of the BC)!


  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (15.60 → 20.09%)


  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (20.09 → 24.78%)
  • DoBJG: お~する; ~終わる; られる (1); られる (2) (58%)
  • N3単語 weekly Anki cards: pp. 35-45 (15%)

:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post and thread


A little update for today as I’ve just finished :parrot: ジャングルから脱出せよ - Jungle Escape :tada:
Very nice reading, a choose-your-own-adventure-book in the Amazon Rainforest :slightly_smiling_face:
What was a lot of fun too was to read it with the book club !


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月19日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ Chapter 4
:orange_book: Dialog: Bus 2 episodes 4/8
:desert_island: ISLAND 50k 580.000 char 317 new words

Got a bit carried away playing ISLAND today and just kept going for hours on, read 50k today :o


18th + 19th

mix of pixiv and bits and pieces elsewhere. one of the artists i follow posted a long comic about how they were struggling with finding value and happiness in their own work, and the doubts they had when seeing other’s compared to their own, and yeah, very relatable :sweat_smile: but also it was all handwritten and so hard to read oh god also read the thing Jintor posted:

which was short and sweet!


:dango: :seedling: snowwater’s home thread :snowflake::droplet:

:snowflake::droplet: 05月12日 (日) Type Progress Pages
:dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Manga Chapter 20
:snowflake::droplet: 05月13日 (月) Type Progress Pages
:hibiscus: せーラー服と機関銃 Book 54->58% 180 to 195
:snowflake::droplet: 05月14日 (火) Type Progress Pages
:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー Book 91->93% 323 to 330
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 35->36% 164 to 168
:snowflake::droplet: 05月15日 (水) Type Progress Pages
:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー Book 93->95% 330 to 336
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 36->37% 168 to 172
:mage:t2: とんがり帽子のアトリエ Manga 15
:snowflake::droplet: 05月16日 (木) Type Progress Pages
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 37->38% 172 to 180
:snowflake::droplet: 05月17日 (金) Type Progress Pages
:broom: 魔女の宅急便 Book 0->8% 18
:snowflake::droplet: 05月18日 (土) Type Progress Pages
:dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Manga Chapter 21
:snowflake::droplet: 05月19日 (日) Type Progress Pages
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 38->40% 180 to 189
:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー Book 95->97% 336 to 343

I joined the 魔女の宅急便 bookclub over at Natively - I couldn’t resist it. It’s a bit too much for me right now in terms of weekly reading, but I am almost done with teh SFアンソロジー, so I’m hoping Kiki will just take its place over the next week or two.


May 19 | Home post

Another 3000 characters from Island today. Getting closer to the end of the first route. I have read more from this VN than from any other Japanese book. For now at least, I think VN is my favorite Japanese medium!


五月十九日・Home Post

Title Today Progress
:cat2: スーと鯛ちゃん 2 6 pages 12%

:bookmark: Home post // May 19 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (82% → 89%)

Almost done! I finished the penultimate week of the book club, wheee.

I’ve been thinking about what to read next. I want to finally continue the Honzuki series after I finish this book. Last time, I left off after finishing book 16 back in January last year, so it’s over a year ago now. I remember that the new arc started on book 13 or 14 and that it was really fun, but I’m afraid I don’t remember much of the plot or the characters. So the plan is to read/skim from the start of the arc. It’s going to be interesting to see what I’ll think of the reading experience now that I’ve read other stuff in-between. It’s surreal to think about, but I’ve read almost 40 books since then (Jan 2023 → May 2024). Hopefully vocab will be easier, but tbh Honzuki got its own set of certain vocab that I haven’t really seen elsewhere since, so will probably be quite a few lookups. I’ll count the lookups this time like I did with Silent Witch.


17/5 10 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた (finished week 16), 10 pages ホリミヤ (finished page 17), 7 pages おじさまと猫, aDoIJG には, につれて/つれ and のこと

18/5 8 pages Spy Family (finished volume 12), 11 pages とんがり帽子のアトリエ

19/5 3 pages セーラー服と機関銃, 51 pages とんがり帽子のアトリエ (finished week 5, then volume 1!)

Well I managed to get to Friday evening almost up to date with all my clubs - only behind 2 weeks on the intermediate dictionary, and I hadn’t yet done my reading for Kiki week 1. Saturday wasn’t so good, then yesterday I read ahead on とんがり帽子のアトリエ to finish the volume. I’m very tempted to read ahead - but I’m wary of the falling behind on my other clubs.

As of Saturday I’m actively in 10 book clubs, with シャドーホウス volume 17 being released. A couple of the books are nearing their end, but I’m not sure at one point this becomes unsustainable!

What’s the maximum number of clubs others have managed at any one point?