📚 📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🍡 🌱

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Q2 of 2024 | Week 6

5月12日 (日)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 3 (29-32/32) + 4 (1/18)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

Controller issues. Xbox model is prioritized, and another old model (PS?) became misconfigured.

Words of the day
  • 開口一番(かいこういちばん) = spoken before anything else
  • (はた)から = looking from the outside, as a bystander
  • ()()()げない = at loss for words
  • 放心状態(ほうしんじょうたい) = in a daze
  • あぶく = bubbles :bubbles:. A more casual way of saying (あわ).


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月12日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: My Sweetie is Japanese 2 episodes 20/28

Back from vacation! Fortunately I was able to keep up with JPDB and WK reviews so I’m not coming home to a big backlog :slight_smile: and I just read Satori Reader every day while I was away. Now looking forward to getting back to some serious reading from tomorrow on!


May 12 | home post

Back home and back to the Island :desert_island: About 2000 characters today. It’s hard to stop, I want to read more and more and see how it all ends!


5月12日 | Home post

I went for a hike with a friend and our respective dogs, and ended up reading less than planned.

  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (1.80 → 3.19%)
  • DoBJG: ので; のに (1) (52%)
  • N3単語 weekly Anki cards: pp. 23-34 (11%)

May 5-11

同じ夢 page 216-245, とんがり page 67- 102


2024.05.12 :bouquet: home post
:headphones: 気になってる人が男じゃなかった1: 87% → 100%
:woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1: 9% → 20%

Finished 気になってる人が男じゃなかった vol 1!! And finished chapter 1 of 葬送のフリーレン
Last week I tried doing Dracula Daily in Japanese, but it’s definitely way too hard for me rn… so I guess I’m rereading in English instead


2024-05-10 — 2024-05-12

:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-12 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: 5 %
:page_facing_up: 16 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h45m
2024-05-11 :woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1(マンガ) :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (BBC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 47 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h20m
:woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 32 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h20m
2024-05-10 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 2% :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m

Little behind on updates, so have a 3-in-1. This weekend was mostly this week’s book clubs, with a little bit of 13 sentinels thrown in.


五月十二日・Home Post

Title Today Progress
:cat2: スーと鯛ちゃん 2 8 pages 7%

I absolutely remembered to post this on the right day.


:cherry_blossom: 5月12日 :cherry_blossom: (home post link)

Hit the 25% mark in 二十面相 today, and also it’s my 600 day reading streak! :tada: :tada: :tada:



13 May | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 manga 26 50% → 65%
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 82% (no change)
:black_cat: ダンジョン飯7 manga 29 28% (no change)
  • Week’s chapter for とんがり帽子

:bookmark: Home post // May 12 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (65% → 68%)

Hmm, it was surprisingly easy to read today (language-wise).

For some reason, I have a mental block when it comes to reading the books from this series. There’s an anime adaptation of the first book (which is exciting) – someone nominated the book and we ended up reading it with the Advanced BC. Then the book club continued as an off-shoot. Back then, it was a tough read. It took forever long time, not only because of the tons of unknown vocab and philosophical/technical meanderings, but the books are :sparkles: thicc :sparkles:. And they’re still thicc now, current one (book 8) is 544 pages long, while the first book is 524 pages.

But I can read it just fine now. I just have to actually sit down and do it.


May 12th!
Today I read chapter 3 of とんがり帽子のアトリエ with the IMC.

May 13th!
Today I read chapter 6 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん , and the first chapter of Volume 18 of からかい上手の高木さん。

(Home Post)


13th may

made a start on case 2 of ガリレオ, read from pg 75-90. if you find something strange in a pond, don’t pick it up and put it on display at the school festival. also gonna count the first few pages of the skm n2 listening book cos there were words and i read them (tho ofc there was some listening involved too).

today’s nhk article was this one, plus the entry on やっと and ~よう1 in aDoIJG

words that stood out

石膏(せっこう) - plaster, gypsum
あんぐり - open-mouthed
アルミ - aluminium
ひょうたん - gourd. specifically ひょうたん(いけ). first gumshoe and now gourd lake pond, what next? blue badgers?


Home Post


Trying to fix my reading schedule and my food schedule and my sleep schedule. I learned drunk/hungover recently on WK so more VA11 Hall-A seems appropriate.

Took me a while to realize this is (くさ)ってんな。Isn’t pixelated text fun?

Reading Type Status
:smiling_imp: 原罪物語 -罪- LN 44/252
:game_die: ノーゲーム・ノーライフ 1 LN 21/301
:beers: VA-11 Hall-A Steam game Day 2 out of ??
New Vocab
  • 自動更新(じどうこうしん) = automatic update/billing
  • 口座(こうざ) = (bank) account
  • 閲覧(えつらん) = internet browsing
  • スレ = internet thread (omg am I typing in one right now?)
  • ネット(うえ) = on the 'net
  • リア(じゅう) = person satisfied with irl life
  • (あお)(おつ) = 煽り+お(つか)(さま) = sarcastically thanking someone for provoking others. Who knew the online forums would contain slang? I’m shocked.
  • 図々(ずうずう)しい = impudent, audacious
  • 正体(しょうたい) = true character
  • 海老(えび) = shrimp
  • ()く = to inquire
  • 幽霊(ゆうれい) = ghost, wk46
  • 渋滞(じゅうたい) = traffic jam, wk39
  • 恐縮(きょうしゅく) = much obliged/thanks
  • 香港(ほんこん) = Hong Kong
  • 隔離(かくり) = isolation
  • 奨学金(しょうがくきん) = scholarship (also student loans, but student loans are not 立派(りっぱ) )
  • 取引(とりひき) = transaction
  • 光学迷彩(こうがくめいさい) = optical camouflage
  • 透明(とうめい) = invisible, transparent, wk40
  • (きり) = fog, wk47

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Q2 of 2024 | Week 7

5月13日 (月)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 4 (2-3/18)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

Words of the day
  • ゲテモノ = strange thing; bizarre taste artifact. Kanji form is 下手物(げてもの).
  • 間男(まおとこ) = secret lover; adulterer
  • 目的語(もくてきご) = object (of a sentence). 補語(ほご) is complement, 述語(じゅつご) is predicate, and 主語(しゅご) is subject.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月13日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: My Sweetie is Japanese 2 episodes 22/28
:woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン Chapter 2 part 1
:woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ Chapter 3
:desert_island: ISLAND 5k 505.000 char 29 new words

It’s so good to be back :hugs:
And damn Visual Novels really make you question your life choices sometimes. Like, you go one route and you get to know this very personal story of this character. Then you replay and choose a different route, now you get to know another character but barely do small talk with the first person and don’t know anything about the personal story. Makes you wonder, how different your relationships could be with people, how deep are their personal stories that you don’t know anything about, and how all of this sometimes is just a matter or choosing left over right, or saying one word over another… :melting_face:


May 13 | Home post

Not much time to read today, just a little from Island and a little from a light novel.


5月13日 | Home post

Completed Week 1 of the Natively また、同じ夢を見ていた Book Club — I’m not really following the discussion, but it’s useful to pace my reading. I skimmed through the Book Club thread after I finished, but it was time I could have used for more reading…

  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (3.19 → 4.72%)
  • DoBJG: のに (2); ~のは ~だ (53%)

:bookmark: Home post // May 13 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (68% → 70%)

Round number :eyes: :sparkles: Feels like I’m closer to the finish line.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-13 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 7%
:computer: 9% → 16%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h00m

Today’s reading practice was just some more 13 sentinels.