📚 📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🍡 🌱

Haha, had to look that word up… you just taught me a new English word, brilliant :smiling_face:.


:cherry_blossom::potted_plant::memo: 5月 9日

Book Natively Progress Type
:shallow_pan_of_food: 今日もお疲れさま!超回復めし L 32 100% Cookbook :tada:

Haven’t had much time at all to read this week as graduation creeps ever closer, but I just wanted to make an update post about finishing 超回復めし for the “non-fiction” category of bingo. I was skeptical at first because there is such a clear prioritization of foods that aid exercise performance (a complicated topic for me these days aha) but there ended up being several really delicious-looking recipes that I studiously read through and bookmarked for future meals ^–^

Keep reading! See you next time :two_hearts:

zoom back up to home thread


:cherry_blossom: 5月10日 :cherry_blossom: (home post link)

tiny reading update, it’s been 2 weeks since I restarted anki for sentence mining, and about that same since I started reading 怪人二十面相 (with some days off), and I think I’ve definitely hit the part where it’s a smooth read now. There was a lot of new vocabulary initially since mystery/crime is a new genre for me, but once I got those, a lot of the words get repeated a lot. Even reading late at night before bed I’m managing 7 or 8 pages, which is a huge improvement from my ability to read maybe 2-3 pages of とらドラ! with full focus last year :laughing:

So today I wanted to see how much of it I could give it with like a solid day of actual focused reading. Didn’t end up quite doing as much as I hoped because of some social stuff, but I still managed to read about 20 pages today!

For anki, it looks like I’ve added 105 new words, which is a fair chunk, but I haven’t felt overwhelmed or anything or had bad recall. I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing differently this time with anki compared to sentence mining last summer. Maybe just reading so much has primed my brain better or something :laughing:

Also it’s apparently my :cake: day! I spent a lot of time on wk before joining the forums, and didn’t really start posting or anything until joining the read every day challenges in 2022, but I guess it is the day I joined the forums! A mere 3 years ago, oh how much can change in 3 years :laughing:


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 6

5月10日 (金)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 3 (23-25/32)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん (+new Ending)

I got myself a new laptop, but it comes with severe graphic glitches, which seems to be a problem with on-board graphic card.

Something like this. It happens with settings, tips, achievements, and backlog. At least backlog is readable (not pretty), but not anything else. The original STEINS;GATE appears to have no problem, however.

Maybe it’s time to boot my old desktop PC sometimes, to see Achievements.

Words of the day
  • (もと) = raw material; stock
  • 副次的(ふくじてき) = secondary; byproduct. Also 二次的(にじてき) and 付随的(ふずいてき).
  • 人騒(ひとさわ)がせ = a scaremonger :rabbit2:
  • 仰角(ぎょうかく) = angle of elevation (e.g. :gun: aiming upward). Angle of depression is 俯角(ふかく) or 伏角(ふっかく).
  • 鉤爪(かぎづめ) = claws; talons :eagle:. (かぎ) / (かぎ) is a hook


May 10, home post

A few more pages from くまクマ熊ベア. Away from home visiting family so I can’t read a lot. But a little is better than nothing!


:bookmark: Home post // May 10 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (64%)
・ 拝啓見知らぬ旦那様、離婚していただきます〈下〉(77% → 100%)

I ended up finishing the book! The ending was better than I expected. Almost makes up for all the messed up stuff that happened earlier. Just almost.


May 10th!

Today I finished reading Chapter 5 of 気になってる人が男じゃなかった

(Home Post)


5月10日 | Home post

I just wrapped up アオハライド, which was one of my goals for this challenge. The characters’ actions in the latter part of this series got a bit irritating, but it pulls together towards the end, with an almost excessively sweet happy ending. Up until now, I’ve mostly read single manga volumes, so completing a whole series feels like a milestone!
As for what’s next, I’ll decide tomorrow, but probably some prose.

  • アオハライド (13) (pp. 138-184)

2024-05-08 — 2024-05-09

:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-09 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子8 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 5 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 118 Pages
:hourglass: 0h25m
2024-05-08 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 5 % :hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h00m

Still one day behind with tracking as I intend to play some more 13 sentinels after shutting down the computer. I was recording with the ingame progress bar for 13 sentinels, but now I discovered there’s 3, so it might total to 300% by the end. Oh well. Anyway, also finished out 放浪息子8 to keep my one a week completion rate up. Nitorin and Takazuki have both socially transitioned in school for the first time which is exciting and nerve-wracking, even as the reader


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 6

5月11日 (土)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 3 (26-28/32)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

Words of the day
  • 守備範囲(しゅびはんい) = field of expertise. 守備(しゅび) is defending, as well as fielding :baseball:.


May 11th!

Chapter 2 of 葬送のフリーレン today.
The BBC is only reading half of the chapter this week but I powered through to the end because I wanted to know what happened.

(Home Post)


May 11 | Home post

Still visiting family and not much time to read. I did manage to sneak in a few pages of くまクマ熊ベア.


:bookmark: Home post // May 11 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (64% → 65%)
・ 四畳半のいばら姫 vol. 1 and 2 (0% → 100%)

I can’t remember the last time I’ve read manga, but today I completed two volumes. Was looking through my email inbox and found the cover art for the first volume. Ended up reading it since the entire volume was for free on Bookwalker. Had some coins to spare so ended up reading vol 2 as well. The art style is just up my alley.

I’m surprised by the visual quality, even on a big screen zooming in it looked good both in the art and the text bubbles. There’s full furigana, so it’d probably fit the Beginner BC.

Spoiler from vol. 2

I’ve never seen such a scene where someone announces that they’re about to fall in love with someone.


5月11日 | Home post

Today I began reading また、同じ夢を見ていた. Unfortunately, I got distracted by the Eurovision final, and only read a tiny amount :sweat_smile:
Also, I’m now more than halfway through The Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar!

  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (0.00 → 1.80%)
  • DoBJG: の (2); の (3); の (4); のだ (51%)

7/5 2 pages セーラー服と機関銃, 15 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん (read week 9), aDoIJG に当たって/当たり and に比べると/に比べて

8/5 9 pages セーラー服と機関銃, 14 pages ホリミヤ (finished page 16), aDoIJG に反して/反する, に基づいて/基づく and にとって

9/5 12 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた (finished week 13), 4 pages とんがり帽子のアトリエ, aDoIJG に関して/関する and にもかかわらず

10/5 11 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた (finished week 14), aDoIJG に代わって and において/おける

11/5 35 pages セーラー服と機関銃 (finished week 11, read weeks 12 and 13), 24 pages とんがり帽子のアトリエ (finished week 4), aDoIJG になると, に従って/従い and に過ぎない

Reading on the island went well. Ive caught up with the IBC now (including finishing this week’s reading). Now just また,同じ夢を見ていた and the intermediate dictionary to catch up.

This week will be busy with diving and conference stuff so will aim just small reads each day.


:motor_scooter: back to my home post

:star: 05月11日 Type Progress
:girl: ABBC 老女的少女ひなたちゃん manga 44% → 55%

Last week’s Hinata-chan section.


11-12 May | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:cherry_blossom: 今日から始める幼なじみ 10巻 manga 17 0% → 100% (completed) :white_check_mark:
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 77% → 82%
:black_cat: ダンジョン飯7 manga 29 15% → 28%
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 manga 26 50% (no change)
  • One chapter of ダン飯7
  • Week’s reading for また夢
  • A new volume of 今日から幼なじみ released so I tore through it. It may not have furigana but it’s still pretty easy to read…

10th + 11th + 12th may

didn’t get a whole lot of reading done (aside from some longer bits on pixiv) but notable things were this nhk article (nandenan article) and the renshuu book club harder read, which was a short fantasy story about the best friend of the hero who saved the world. was split into two parts, one from the friend’s perspective and one from the hero’s, was pretty good!

also learned the word メタい which idk why this stuck with me? just feels unexpected


I think I had a lazy snap this week.

06.05 chapter 97 of 月刊少女野崎くん10
07.05 10 pages of 月刊少女野崎くん10
08.05 finished 月刊少女野崎くん10
09.05 29 pages of 黄泉のツガイ5 and chapter 38 of ふらいんぐうぃっち7
10.05 13 pages of 黄泉のツガイ5. Tried a bit of 赤髪の白雪姫1 (too difficult as an extensive reading for me)
11.05 18 pages of 黄泉のツガイ5 and 10th week’s reading of ひなたちゃん1
12.05 17 pages of 黄泉のツガイ5
If I continue reading one volume of 黄泉のツガ a month I’ll finish the series in July and will be ready to switch to Hagaren in August :smiling_face:


:dango: :seedling: snowwater’s home thread :snowflake::droplet:

:snowflake::droplet: 05月05日 (日) Type Progress Pages
:mage:t2: とんがり帽子のアトリエ Manga 20
:snowflake::droplet: 05月06日 (月) Type Progress Pages
:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー Book 88->90% 312 to 318
:snowflake::droplet: 05月07日 (火) Type Progress Pages
:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー Book 90->91% 318 to 323
:snowflake::droplet: 05月08日 (水) Type Progress Pages
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 24->28% 115 to 133
:snowflake::droplet: 05月09日 (木) Type Progress Pages
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 28->32% 133 to 149
:snowflake::droplet: 05月10日 (金) Type Progress Pages
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 32->35% 149 to 164
:snowflake::droplet: 05月11日 (土) Type Progress Pages
:mage:t2: とんがり帽子のアトリエ Manga 15

A lot of Harry Potter this week, as chapters have been getting considerably bigger, so I got a bit behind. Now I’m back on track, but still need to catch up with the other book clubs.