📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

30th jan

home post

another ouran chapter down and that’s it for the main content?? there’s a solid 50 or so pages of side content, so uh i’ll work out how to approach that tomorrow ig. also did another two chapters (ish) of ()たい(ふく)がある which was fine, it’s still a relatively easy read (i think i looked up two things total) but i’m struggling to get invested. also some more entries in the bakumatsu book (i’m finally coming up on chapter two!), there’s a fair amount of repetition which makes it a bit easier

today’s nhk article was this one, another granblue chapter (long boss fight was long x2), and read the entries on のもとで and の(うえ)では in aDoIJG

words that stood out

ひったくる - to snatch from, to steal from
玩具(がんぐ) - toy. usually read as おもちゃ but can kyouya be bothered with usual? can he hell