📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲


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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-01-17 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん2 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 9 chapters
:page_facing_up: 135 pages

So I got hooked by volume 2 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん. Honestly, this manga has definitely exceeded my expectations. Given the natively level and plot synopsis, I kind of expected “My First Reincarnation Manga”, and picked it as another thing of “seems neat, and easy enough at my level” like continuing オオカミちゃん。But honestly when it has sections that focus on the main plot and not the slice of life (don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of cute slice of life too), it can pull out some great feels like this one:

I’d gotten to that scene during yesterday’s reading, and it motivated me to get back into this despite my original plan for this being the “backup/easy reading” manga and instead I finished out the volume.