📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

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1 月 17 日
コナの大冒険 第25話 :black_cat:

On today’s episode, I realized that there were only three kanjis on the page that SatoriReader was showing me furigana for. :crazy_face: I’m supposed to be able to read everything but those three and I tried but there were times I’d get confused with the reading (onyomi vs kunyomi). There were also some combined kanji that made up vocab that I hadn’t learned yet. :woozy_face:


Kanji I haven’t learned

  • 捕る [とる] to take, to catch, to capture
  • 脅かす [おどかす] to threaten, to menace
  • お腹 [おなか] stomach

Learned kanji but new vocab

  • 弱肉強食 [じゃくにくきょうしょく] survival of the fittest, law of the jungle, weak are meat the strong do eat

That one’s my favorite phrase for the moment! I like to call it the circle of life… Which Kona will soon learn about. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Other things to note and a question
  • だい friendly or familiar way of ending a question: だい to replace だ for questions that CANNOT be answered with a yes or no
  • かい friendly or familiar way of ending a question: かい to replace か for questions that CAN be answered with a yes or no
  • あいつ that guy, that dude (familiar or derogatory)

I noted that they list animal names in katakana such as ネズミ, リス, ウサギ from this episode and タカ from the last episode. Can anyone explain why they’re using katakana for those?

Finally, there’s so many people to congratulate on their first volume, manga, or book! Congrats everyone! And happy cake day as well to @Redglare !