📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

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1 月 3 日
コナの大冒険 第17話 from Satorireader

Felt the suspense during this episode of Kona’s big adventure! What could the looming shadow be?! :face_with_peeking_eye: :clown_face:

This is definitely helping me with the casual form which I only recently started learning from my Minna no Nihongo classes. Well if you count maybe a month ago recent since I had a holiday break from classes. Up til now we’ve only been exclusively learning in the formal form.

Words/phrases of interest:

  • ウトウト falling in a doze
  • 影に覆われている (かげにおおわれている)to be covered in a shadow
  • 気が付く(きがつく)to notice, to become aware, to realize