📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

I ended up not starting reading today until pretty late, so only 呪術廻戦 for me today (I say this because I should really sleep soon as I am back at work tomorrow…but knowing me I will probably read some 鏡の孤城 in bed and stay up too late as I have no self control). Anyway, I finished up volume 7 and read the first few chapters from volume 8 (I think 5 chapters in total). Two of the chapters were fairly dense with a fair bit of monologuing/exposition, but then the chapters following that have been mainly light hijinks and fun so it has all balanced out lol.

Woohoo! nice :slight_smile: Hope you enjoy it, I’m very excited to keep reading! And @pocketcat - I downloaded the audiobook and it is indeed so good - almost more like an audiodrama or radio production with the sound effects etc. I’ve actually listened a little bit ahead of where I’ve read to so I need to catch up!(I read so much slower than the audiobook)

Nice! Good to know that it’s on koohi :slight_smile: I very easily fall victim to ‘death by too many SRS’ so I probably won’t go for it right now but I might change my mind if vocab seems like an issue so good to know that it’s there as an option. Seems fairly okay so far though but I expect that may well change once the plot gets going. It’s actually the first novel I’ve read on my kindle since I managed to get a bunch of monolingual (J-J) dictionaries on it so I’ve been quite enjoying trying to use those as much as possible for lookups. My understanding of monolingual definitions is still certainly more fuzzy than just looking it up in english but so far having the option of a few different definitions to check + the context means it is fairly okay, and the novelty of having all the dictionaries there at a click is fun (I mean, if you are a person like me who apparently thinks such things are fun lol).