📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 9 :snowflake: Home Post

My 999 adventure continues! I’ve started back from the first branching point and gone the other way, and it’s been good. Nice to see characters I hadn’t seen in a while because of, uh, events :grin:

A bit of 999

I’m hanging out with ニルス and セブン now! セブン’s always a ton of fun, and I never really got to interact with ニルス much before because… you know, so it’s a good time! I got threatened:

He really said “try it” :joy: (also he has the same voice actor as Reigen from Mob Psycho so that’s a time)

I also read some (かぜ)つよ between classes, and I can definitely tell that my reading speed’s improved! Not that I’m even a little bit fast, but definite progress! It’s always nice to see what the running boys are up to :blush:


(あたま)にくる - to get pissed off, to lose one’s cool
些細(ささい) - slight, trivial
()(だお)れ - person collapsed and dying in the street (this was in 風つよ lmao)
懸案(けんあん) - unanswered question
(こころざ)す - to intend, to aspire to
(おも)存分(ぞんぶん) - to one’s heart’s content, as much as one likes
ブランク - time spend not (practicing)
茶々(ちゃちゃ) - interruption
鍵盤(けんばん) - (piano) keyboard (they’re keys!!! neat)
デタラメ - nonsense, hogwash
本日(ほんじつ)晴天(せいてん)なり - testing, testing (it’s what you say when you’re doing a mic check! never really thought about that, pretty cool)
目眩(めまい) - dizziness, vertigo

Ohhh that makes sense!! Good to know I’m not just like awful at it somehow :joy: yeah I’m definitely completely invested at this point, I’m about to have spring break so knowing me I’ll just play it obsessively the whole time lmao

Oooooh yeah I’ve heard good things about that one! Definitely seems up my alley, I’ll have to check it out once I’ve finished the 999s.

Oof I’ve been nailed, absolutely seen, completely sold :joy: Ahh I still have so much to look forward to!! The list grows ever longer :laughing: