📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 2: January 2nd

Time spent: 33 min
Today’s color: 薄紅梅 (うすこうばい) - basically it’s a soft pink, like the color of plum blossom flowers

Reminded me of this picture I took in Japan the first time I went, so here's a gratuitous pic

This went a little better today, but still had to look up a lot of words :sweat_smile: I do like descriptive words though, like I enjoy the exposure to more complex descriptors/language than the ones you typically get in textbooks and such. It adds a richness and dimension to “the world in Japanese,” if that makes any sense at all.

Some more interesting words
  • 紅花 (べにばな) - safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); dyer’s safflower
  • 紅梅 (こうばい) - red-blossomed plum tree; red Japanese apricot
  • 濃 (のう or こ) - prefix meaning “dark” (as in a dark color)
  • 聴色 (ゆるしいろ) - permitted color (a color that the “common people” can wear)

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 21 min

Today I learned about 初夢 (はつゆめ) - the first dream of the year. Apparently, there are some auspicious omens you can see in your 初夢, as expressed in the following phrase: 一富士二鷹三茄子 (いちふじにたかさんなすび). It means “best is Fuji, second is a hawk, third is an eggplant” :mount_fuji::eagle::eggplant: One explanation for the :eggplant: is that ナス (eggplant) = pronunciation of 成す, meaning to accomplish; to achieve; to succeed in, which is my favorite explanation because wordplay xD

What else did I read?
囀る鳥は羽ばたかない Vol 1
Amount read: 11 pages
Time spent: 45 min

Went better than yesterday, but I can’t shake the feeling that things are just constantly flying over my head with this manga. Now I’m only 2 chapters behind :muscle: They are pretty big chapters though

I wrote this post before scrolling down lol, guess we all get to learn about this twice today xD
I also did not dream of anything last night :pensive: I’ll join you and @rikaiwisdom in the void