📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

I’m not the best at figuring it out either, but at least I can usually guess. Not this time though, when every path location just gave and gave and gave, the many possibilities basically ended up with my head saying: It can basically be anywhere, and I’m not sure I can narrow it down much more than that. I also aren’t able to keep track of which hints belong to which path, and this seed just made that worse. :joy:

If even the founder (Elagatua, not correctly spelt I suspect) is at a loss, I think that is a pretty good indication that the seed was chaos.


If it had a 朗読 I’d totally do it, but old text like that can be such a slog and I don’t have the time for it right now. Last I checked the only reading of it on YT was a machine reading and I can’t stand those.


Now there are two machine readings :rofl:

I tried to listen for a minute but my listening vocab is way too weak, so I will stick with the text instead.


:cherry_blossom: :tulip: 4月10日 :tulip: :cherry_blossom: (Home Post Link)

Was thinking a little bit about the difficulty of this series, and it definitely feels like a real step up from anything I’ve read so far, even more-so than technically harder stuff like 夜カフェ and Komi with the BBC. Komi is great (obviously I like it, i’ve read close to 400 of those chapters in english), but like someone mentioned earlier it doesn’t reeeeaaally have a plot. It’s mostly just jokes, and so it’s kinda OK if you miss things here and there. 夜カフェ and magic treehouse are both definitively children’s books, the stakes aren’t there and they don’t really expect you to be doing any reading below a very direct surface level. But Your Lie in April definitely feels like it expects things from you as a reader that nothing else I’ve read so far does. It’s refreshing! Definitely giving me some more confidence to tackle more plot-driven series going forward.


  • 四月は君の噓 ch 11

Word(s) of the Day:
澄み切った(すみきった)ー perfectly clear
乱反射(らんはんしゃ)ー diffuse reflection; diffused reflection; irregular reflection​ (反射 reflection)
没頭(ぼっとう)ー immersing oneself in; being absorbed in; devoting oneself to; giving oneself up entirely to
真摯(しんし)ー sincere, honest
曖昧(あいまい)ー vague, ambiguous, unclear


I did stumble across a site that had uploaded Soseki Natsume works in Japanese, I’d love to find that again but with my N4 powers I’m not sure if that’s biting off more than I can chew. :rofl:

I’ll check out the book clubs on here though, thanks for the suggestion! :two_hearts:


:bookmark: Home post // April 10 :cherry_blossom: :blossom:

・薬屋のひとりごと 4 (45% → 48%)

Just one off those words today: 部分(ぶぶん)・パーツ

(Was watching bouldering/climbing videos instead of reading. Magnus Midtbø, randomly showing up on my youtube feed. Climbing looks so cool, he makes it look so easy. Makes me want to try even tho I’m weak as heck)


Apr 9
I read five pages of ボッコちゃん, some pages in manga magazines and played more of Mysteria Occult Shadows. Just a little more and I will have finished it.

5938 pages read


April 10th!

Today I read Chapter 15 and 16 of Komi Can’t Communicate.
Its a fun read, but I’m still not 100% sure if I’ll carry on past the first volume, I find it hard to quit once I’ve committed to a series by reading more than one volume, so while I’m enjoying it, I’m not sure I want to get sucked into a series which is already 28 volumes long and still releasing right now. :sweat_smile:

(Home Post)


I voted for the LGBTQ ones because I’d be potentially interested in reading those, so I want you to check them out for me so that I can know if they’re worth it, haha!





:tulip:April 10:tulip:
|||||Home Post|||||

:white_flower:Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar 日本語基本文法辞典・pg 59
Had to watch some Cure Dolly videos to screw my head back on right after reading Section 6 the other day. Read Section 7 and Section 8. I use ゆっくり all the time and never thought of it as… checks notes “sound symbolism”. Still, Section 7 and 8 were a nice, easy read. If all goes according to plan, I should finish Section 9, the last bit of reading for this week, tomorrow.

In true JRPG fashion, I’m still going through tutorials as new mechanics are introduced. Still having fun so I can’t complain.


Wait. What happened to FFVII? Did you finish it that fast? Also, the first Persona or a different Persona?


No, I just started playing Persona 5: The Royal. No real reason, just “Oooo fun!” I’ll probably stop playing Persona after a few days and go back. Idk.


“Oooo fun!” is a real reason, especially when it comes to playing games. I’m usually half-asleep when I’m reading people’s updates so I thought I missed something :sweat_smile: I don’t think you’ll be able to put P5 down easily though, it’s really good.


I’ve put it down many times xD

I love 4 but 5 has been harder to finish for me. I just finished the 2nd boss (for the 3rd time). So from here it gets iffy about how long I will play it before putting it down again haha.


LOL :rofl: I haven’t played 4, but I’ve heard the complaints about needing to pick the right dialogue to get the good ending.




I got distracted today, so unfortunately I didn’t do much reading today either. But I found out that 気になってる人が男じゃなかった is being released as a volume later this month! I preordered it. I think this will be the first f/f manga I’ve obtained.

  • preview for 部活の後輩に迫られています. It looks cute.
  • 21 pages of サマーサイダー, finishing ch 4 and leaving off on pg 230

In non-reading news, I watched 竜とそばかすの姫 to see if I wanted to get the novel. It wasn’t exactly bad, and I liked the characters, but the pacing definitely felt off, and it seemed like it used its Beauty and the Beast inspiration sort of as a crutch rather than properly developing some things, contributing to the poor pacing. The book could be handled better, but eh…

Some vocab of note:

鳥目 (とりめ) [n., の-adj.] night blindness


4月10日 :cherry_blossom:

Read: 准教授・高槻彰良の推察2 (50% → 68%)
Finished up the second chapter. This might be one of my favorite cases so far, up till now the cases have had the pattern where they seem like something supernatural might be up but in the end were actually caused by humans. That was the case this time as well but mixed in with the lies was actually some amount of truth about some genuinely supernatural experiences for the first time since the main two’s cases. I also really enjoyed the interactions between 尚哉(なおや) and 高槻(たかつき) in this chapter.


April 9 & 10 :cherry_blossom: Home Post

I’m getting worse :joy: yesterday I was still in kind of a weird mood so I just did some reading for class. Today I remembered that マッシュル started airing so I watched the first episode (with Japanese subtitles, it counts :laughing:). It’s a lot of fun! I’ll probably be watching it with my partner so English subtitles from now on, but it was fun watching something in Japanese again, went pretty smoothly :grin:


All the LGBTQ ones got the most votes. xD 花のみぞ知る is BL too. And 不可解なぼくのすべてを is LGBTQ. So yeah, top four!

Most of my manga is in boxes and apparently I’d already shuffled Girl Friend to a more easily reached box, so I didn’t even have to do more than check the two most easily reached boxes for it.
