📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

:cherry_blossom: 4月1日 • Home Post

Today I read an entire chapter of チェンソーマン (:guide_dog::birthday::gun: ) with relative ease! More than that, I actually enjoyed it and got into flow a little! やった!!!

Something that’s made a huge difference to my enjoyment and comprehension is changing from XTREME HARDCORE IMMERSION MODE down to something more beginner, which fits my skill level having just finished Genki 1. That looks like:

  1. Letting myself immediately look up words & phrases I don’t know, instead of trying to work them out by force;
  2. Letting myself plug the fully conjugated word into DeepL, instead of only the stem;
  3. Instead of trying to break down and decode a sentence with grammar that isn’t making sense to me, I’ve been plugging the chunks into DeepL one at a time until I figure out the gist, and then double checking the whole sentence. This means I’m surfacing a lot more nuance and understanding the ways that combos of phrases I understand individually modify each other when they interact.

Overall, I’m finding that I’m learning AND enjoying more by not being a “figure it out on your own or die” purist. Feelsgoodman. Perfectionism can eat my shorts.