April 8
Final Fantasy VII
- 模型 = もけい model, maquette.
- 野望 = やぼう ambition, aspiration.
- 拡散 = かくさん scattering, diffusion.
- 稼働 = かどう operation (of machine), operating, running.
- 長命 = ちょうめい long life.
- 信頼 = しんらい trust, reliance.
- 相違 = そうい difference, discrepancy, variation.
- 値上げ = ねあげ price increase, price hike.
- 支障 = ししょう hindrance, obstacle.
- 再開 = さいかい reopening, resumption.
- 招く = まねく multiple meanings, but today context was “to cause, to bring on oneself, to result in”.
- 劣る = おとる to be inferior to, to be less good at, to fall behind.
- 繁殖 = はんしょく breed, multiply.
- 再建 = さいけん rebuilding, reconstruction.
Hmm I can’t really think of a specific example but it kinda sounds familiar. I think I’ve also struggled at times with compound verbs. There are times when I go into one of these phases of “wow I know absolutely nothing of this language” and I feel like a complete beginner again in so many aspects, nothing seems to click. But then I keep going and I come out of it like it’s nothing. Currently I’m having one of those phases where I feel I’m improving, but it goes back and forth constantly so I’m learning to enjoy both phases, weird as it sounds. Mostly because I’m starting to understand that bad phases are as important as good ones, if not more.
I swear learning a language feels to me like 5 steps forward 3 steps backward. I’ll go back to failing to recognise the easiest words and grammar soon enough, just wait .