Jun 21, Tue calendar post
Week 13 of Spring 2022’s planning
- Committed, and paced - for the sake of discussion
- Death Note Ch.18
SPY x FAMILY Ch.1 (Actually, I have read and watch the first half for this week.)
- With anime watching along, but no sooner than reading.
- I really want to fast forward to see Anya’s classmate. He is at least in Vol.2 (which I haven’t bought yet).
Night Cafe Ch.10
- Actually, I know there are currently 12 volumes in the ongoing series. I can’t even properly read the first one – Wow.
- Shadows House – I have read to Ch.2. The story is a little intriguing, but not enough addicting.
- Happiness – I can remember to the end of Vol.2 well. Didn’t resume reading for a while. Technically, I have read ahead to 2/5 of Vol.3, and I already purchased all 10 volumes.
- Other books
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Part 2 vol.3
- Kars’ letting JoJo go (2)
- Half of Caesar arc (3/6)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Part 2 vol.3
- Gaming. I feel that this one may digress from the language learning itself, if it is too difficult on the control.
ATRI falls off the priority, as I feel the vocabularies are too difficult and not worth pursing now. I don’t want to turn on English subtitles either.
- Nonetheless, I have purchased the full version of this one for cheap.
- If I find a new one, I will play. Some VNs or text games might be approachable, only if it gets me addicted. (And within my available devices. [1])
ATRI falls off the priority, as I feel the vocabularies are too difficult and not worth pursing now. I don’t want to turn on English subtitles either.
- Listening
- General Japanese and grammar
- Remaining of WaniKani Context Sentences - Level 2’s Breakdown = 18 vocab, 54 sentences
- Read up on Japanese grammar on Wikipedia – I’ve gotta get by grammatical terms and Japanese linguistics in Japanese people’s eyes, somehow.
Should I download an emulator? But don’t know if I will be able to find ROM at this age. ↩︎