📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary Post

April 2
Final Fantasy VII

  • 確実 = かくじつ certainty.
  • 反乱 = はんらん insurrection, rebellion.
  • 未練 = みれん lingering affection, attachment.
  • 幼なじみ = おさななじみ childhood friend.
  • 給水 = きゅうすい water supply. → 給水塔 = water tower.
  • 標的 = ひょうてき target (of an attack).
  • 注目 = ちゅうもく attention, notice.
  • 未知 = みち not yet known.

Day two, followed a little bit more of the story but also read all of the menus and tutorials to understand a bit more of the game’s system. Second day that everything seems alright. There are unknown words frequently ish but not enough to overwhelm me at all, which is awesome and feels very nice. I think the level might be just right after all, but it’s still too early and I know I might struggle at times once the plot starts developing.

Also I would like to talk about the game, but damn I would hate to spoil it to anyone :smile: . I’m probably safe using summary boxes, but I’m still kinda hesitating ;-; . Do those show their content if anyone makes a search in the community?