📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

At the end of last week (Sat-Sun), I read JoJo and watched Yuru Camp.

Regarding watching and listening, Yuru Camp appears to follow the first chapter of the manga very closely, but not exactly the same. Later, I found subtitle files on Kitsunekko; but not sure how legal they are… Death Note’s in on Kitsuneko too.

Still, subtitles, whether displayed in real time, or read later, feel very strange, unlike speech clouds in manga. (And Yuru Camp, in particular, read small texts too.)

And OP, ED songs aren’t in subtitles.

I also tried reading on (やま)(なし)(けん) (and Japan’s geography in general), and (しょう)(); but it still appears I am not the level to really read it yet. Nonetheless, Wikipedia isn’t really read by articles, but rather interlinks of articles.

I will write the whole month’s reflection later, after the month really ends. (Who knows what I will do in the last two days.)

That’s what I found strange at the time of writing 3 months’ plan. I’m glad it now got explained.

Personally, I’ve got my own plans, like weekly/monthly/trimonthly plans/reflection/revision. I wouldn’t take a break as long as 1 month. And ensuring daily isn’t really for me (but isn’t bad at all, also quite similar to clearing up WaniKani reviews too).

May 30, Mon :cherry_blossom: calendar post

Week 10 of Spring 2022’s planning

  • Committed, and paced - for the sake of discussion
    • Death Note :notebook: Vol.2 Ch.16 (last chapter of the vol)
    • Night Cafe :shrimp: Ch.8 The truth is I tested, and still found it a little hard.
  • Committed, with マイペース(my=pace)
    • JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Part 2 - finish vol.2/4 of the part in monochrome = vol.5 overall - invasion of the training ground (4 chaps)
    • 1+ sentence structure’s grammar
    • 1+ verb form’s grammar, compounds, comparison and usage
    • Watch 1+ episode of anime (probably Yuru Camp S01-E02)
    • 1+ documentary. Maybe about Yuru Camp.
    • 1/4 of WaniKani Context Sentences - Level 2’s Breakdown = 20 vocab, 60 sentences
  • Considered
    • WANTED! Story 3 ((いっ)()()(こう)) - I just want to finish this book, and perhaps, 1 chapter per week.
    • Read それでも歩は寄せてくる to 75%

I will probably start SPY X FAMILY reading-and-watching, as soon as reading club starts (two more weeks).