📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

May 25
Reading more Kiki! May go through the rest of chapter 2 tonight.

Picked up again this grammar resource I was translating on the side at the beginning of April, 日本人のための日本文法入門. I got to the beginning of where it starts to talk about the predicate and the 3 types that can be used to end a sentence.

Oh no, they missed their showing!! What a shame.

I may have mentioned this to you before—and I don’t want to take away from your study methods—but in case it’ll be helpful, our active Haikyuu book club has vocab lists for chapters 1 through 68 (soon 69)(google sheets) available to anyone.

I’ve been grateful to the previous Kiki’s Delivery Service book clubs for their vocab lists, so I just want to get the word out there that these resources are available!