April 1
Final Fantasy VII
- 早とちり = はやとちり jumping to a wrong conclusion.
- 脱出 = だっしゅつ escape (from a dangerous place, etc).
- 本質 = ほんしつ essence, true nature.
- 発電所 = はつでんしょ power plant.
- 命中 = めいちゅう a hit (e.g. when you shoot a gun, etc) → 命中率 = accuracy rate.
- アジト = secret base of operations, hideout.
- 供給 = きょうきゅう supply, provision.
First day! I’ve started with Final Fantasy VII, and so far so good. The difficulty seems about right, not overwhelming at all so far, and I’m able to follow virtually everything. It’s also good that the text windows stay open until you click a button, save for two or three dialogues that happened very fast and couldn’t read them properly, but I’m fine with that. I haven’t played this in like forever so I barely remember anything, which is also another positive. Good feelings!
I will most likely be cycling through different resources this challenge, meaning, I won’t be playing anything I don’t feel like playing just because I started it. Or, more precisely, I will be playing whatever I feel like playing that day. I will most likely play Zelda: Breath of the Wild concurrently, and possibly something else. We’ll see!