📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

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Day 24
Apr 24
My reading speed was slow this week. Sometimes, I only read a couple pages of 黒猫亭事件 (~5mins), because I was in the middle of something else or there was something I don’t understand. But I made some progress today, and finished Chapter 7, in which 金田一 was introduced and connected to the case.
There was a lot of words and weird expression that I didn’t know.

  • When I used the internal dictionary, it looks like words like 小紫, 雲助, 権八 have classic allusions. I don’t fully understand their meanings, so I decided to skip this part.
  • Another weird expression is “感謝キュー”. I can’t find the word on Google, and I’m guessing it’s 感謝+Thank you. But why does 金田一 say like that.
  • 金田一 used rare カタカナ expressions like キッキュージョ(鞠躬如), 静シュク(静粛). Then he himeself said “漢字制限のおりから”, these expressions will trouble the note-taker. From my understanding, 漢字制限 eliminates the rare 漢字 in Japan. Some Japanese also had trouble understand what he was talking about (「キッキュージョとしてレイジョーを極めた」とは何ぞや?).

Words of the day:
呼吸を弾ませる:いきをはずませる。out of breath. はげしい息づかいをする
中国へ高跳びした: たかとび。 Criminals escape to a distant land.
はさにあらず: そうではない