Very excited to join this time! I have collected several manga from the Bookwalker freebies, and I also may have bought a few too many books than I could possibly find time to read (I have started and had to pause at least two), so I’m looking forward to lowering my 積ん読 pile a little (who am I kidding? I’m sure to buy/get more in the meantime). Also participating in two (soon to be three) book clubs here, but I’ll try to make this thread about reading outside of book clubs if possible.
Apr | ||||||
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
() | ||||||
May | ||||||
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
2 | ||||||
() | ||||||
2 | ||||||
- 三毛猫ホームズの推理 (completed)
- Candy and Cigarettes, vol.1 (completed)
- 告白 (by 湊かなえ) (completed)
- ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, vol.1 (completed)
- 夜市 (completed)
- 妖怪アパートの幽雅な日常 (manga), vol.1 (completed)
- 佐賀のがばいばあちゃん (IBC)
- 夜カフェ (BBC)
- ハピネス, vol.1 (completed) (ABBC)
2 - ハピネス, vol.2 (offshoot)
June calendar
Jun | ||||||
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
() | ||||||
ー | 2 | |||||
ー | 3 | |||||
- 糞尿譚
- 佐賀のがばいばあちゃん (IBC) (completed)
- 夜カフェ (BBC) (completed)
2 - ハピネス, vol.2 (offshoot) (completed)
3 - ハピネス, vol.3 (offshoot) (completed)
- random tiny read
- Spy X Family (IBC)
list of names in 三毛猫ホームズの推理
(thanks to pocketcat for the contributions!)
片山義太郎 - かたやま・よしたろう the police detective and main character
片山晴美 - かたやま・はるみ the main character’s sister
栗原由美子 - くりはら・ゆみこ student, the victim in the prologue
三崎寛子 - みさき・ひろこ student, the victim’s friend who lent her the apartment
岡田 - おかだ some police colleague
三田村繁 - みたむら・しげる the superintendent
羽衣幸吉 - はごろも・こうきち the founder of the university
森崎智雄 - もりさき・としお the dean(文学部長)
大島ーおおしま the dean’s secretary
阿部俊三 - あべ・しゅんぞう the university president (学長)
吉塚雪子 - よしづか・ゆきこ student, the pale beauty
小峰 - こみね manager of the student dormitories
大中兼一 - おおなか・けんいち English literature professor
林則彦 - はやし・のりひこ police colleague, Katayama’s senpai
梨江ちゃん - りえちゃん Hayashi’s 3-year old daughter
児島光枝 - こじま・みつえ Katayama’s aunt
小柳さん - こやなぎさん aunt’s friend
今井広三ーいまい ・こうぞう construction site manager
石垣ーいしがき university guard
佐々木和美ーささき・ かずみ student, murder victim
富田和生ーとみた・かずお PE teacher
富田麻子ーとみた・まこ Tomita’s wife
林晃子ーはやし・あきこ Hayashi’s wife
柳原ーやなぎはら person in charge of Y Construction
秋吉ーあきよし Chemistry and Physics professor
金子ーかねこ university nurse
横沢幾子ーよこざわ・ いくこ single woman from the お見合い
波多野靖子ーはたの ・やすこ student, 雪子’s next door neighbour
清子ーきよこ student
list of place names in 三毛猫ホームズの推理
(shamelessly copied from basilsauce 's posts - thank you!)
東中野(ひがしなかの) where the Katayamas live
府中市(ふちゅうし) where 羽衣女子大学 is located
調布市(ちょうふし) the city next to 府中
甲州街道(こうしゅうかいどう)a major road running east/west through Tokyo
世田谷(せたがや)A nice suburban part of Tokyo, not far from the crowded Yamanote area
赤坂(あかさか)a district in the main/central area of Tokyo.