Race to Your Goal! December 2020 JLPT

Welcome!! Glad to have you on board!

Great work! Not half bad at all!

Nice! I updated you.


Donā€™t worry about it! It doesnā€™t actually matter. You can change it if you want, but it doesnā€™t affect anything. By the way, welcome! Glad to have you!

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Iā€™m over 50 days on level 36, I know the feeling. Keeping up with lessons and reviews now though.


Thanks! @Saida that makes me feel better.

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That Iā€™m not the only one

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Oh gotcha, thanks!

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If you want you can look in the forums but people have been stuck at a single level multiple times and have made thread discussing their struggles, I think the ā€œmost popularā€ one to get stuck into is lvl 23 but people have been stuck on many different levels. I remember that I was like this at lvl 12 where I couldnā€™t get a single review/lesson in and I struggled to keep up, I ultimately chose to reset after getting to lvl 13 because I didnā€™t like the way my board looked but you can power through it.


Yeah I think most of us have definitely had some ups and downs. All that matters is that youā€™re learning!

Iā€™ve graduated school now so my schedule is more consistent, hopefully we both can keep it up!


Also, if you (or anyone else) need someone to talk to, donā€™t hesitate to send me a message on discord ć‚«ćƒ¬ćƒ¼ć‚¦ć‚½#0006. Iā€™ll try to answer when I can, since Iā€™m very busy, but I always try to have some time to respond to messages.


I am not exactly sure how to edit, I press the orange button, but then I canā€™t write anything :c


You are a member, so you do have editing privileges. You should see something like this after you hit the orange button that looks like a pencil on a paper. There are a bunch of buttons at the top, thereā€™s one that says ā€œEdit Wikiā€ (at the top as well as at the bottom) that will take you to the place where you can actually add yourself.

If thatā€™s not what you get when you click the orange button, can you post a screenshot of what you do see?


Do you know is there a discord for the group so we can practice actually speaking Japanese?

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I think you can check out this Reddit post for Japanese-learning related servers. Iā€™m not in any of them but I also advise you, if you play videogames like MMORPG (esp FFXIV) to contact guilds made up of Japanese expats in your country/continent. A friend of mine did that and she enjoyed the discussions quite a lot. Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Added myself! This will be great motivation. I have to average around 9-10 days per level to get to 60 in time.

How do you all plan to study the kanji that isnā€™t covered on WaniKani? Iā€™m thinking of using the chart on wkstats after each JLPT checkpoint (N5 at level 10, etc.), look them up on Kanji Damage or similar, and make flashcards.


@FennelFox I tried joining but i am not sure how to add myself in there ā€œ^^ It probably means I dont have a member status but I d like to join. This seems fun

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Yes, since you are a first time user you havenā€™t achieved member status yet. Can you let us know how much time you spend on your last level? Iā€™ll add you to the leaderboard.
Edit: I also put your goal at 60 for now, let me know where you want to be by then!

Sure! The time spent in the last level I did was 7 days 16 hours. My goal is to reach level 60 too.

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Oh yeah, and I just assumed youā€™re on level 8. Your badge is updated, right? Added you!

Yea i got to level 8 a day or two ago and I dud get a welcome badge just now. Thanks!

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Iā€™m hoping by that time, I know enough about kanji and mnemonics to make my own flashcards or something similar. But iā€™ll probably just learn the vocabulary that itā€™s used in, since those kanji arenā€™t used a lot.
I might not even learn them all. It all depends on how well my translation job hunting goes and what field I ultimately specialize in.

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