Quartet 2 - Chapter 12

Alright I got most of the way through the brush up section and the remaining pages don’t look very enticing, so I’m calling it here. This one seemed to fly by much faster than the first book, maybe because of all the extra reading and listening on the side. Finishing an intermediate textbook series is not a small feat, so I’m super proud of everyone, now and from the future, that made it to the end! It felt so good to close the book for the final time. @Akashelia thank you so much for organizing and hosting, I never would have made it to the end without the camaraderie of our little group (and clicking polls every time I finished something :eyes:)


Thank you and congrats on your hard work! Same for me, I don’t know if I would have made it to the end without the good company! Speaking of which, I wonder if we lost @Boodil and @armintehgreat along the way or if they are catching up!

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catching up! I started a new job last month and have been trying to balance my time, but thanks for organizing all this over the last year! It really helped me stay on track


Thanks :smiley: and congrats with the new job!


After a pretty long hiatus because of travel and other life responsibilities, I hope I can finally make some progress on this chapter this week before it’s time to travel again.

All in all, Y1 didn’t give me much trouble, but one thing I couldn’t find an answer to is what this 3k business from the 80s is supposed to be. Even with the sample answer in the workbook, I couldn’t figure it out. Does anyone have an idea?


We did it y’all :smiling_face_with_tear: I remember when I started Quartet 1 and thought the first reading about Miyazaki was hard. And then I looked ahead at Chapter 12 of Quartet 2 to see what the reading looked like and thought it looked impossible and that I wouldn’t get to that level.

And here we are at the end. I had the same feeling when I started Genki and thought the last chapter of Genki 2 was intimidating haha.

I was not very active in these study threads at all, but I’m parasocially proud of everyone in this thread that got here! There were a lot of days where I wanted to quit and it was comforting to see others work through this textbook too :pray:

Crossing my fingers for the N2 this December :slight_smile:


Yay congrats on finishing! I remember that feeling from Chapter 1 too, what a long way we’ve went since!
Good luck with N2! It does feel like this is the level you have if you are comfortable with everything that’s in the books (I myself feel like I need more practice and to revisit a lot of things!)


Uuuh… you mean you want me to re-open the book???
Alright I’ll give it a try today or tomorrow…


Well, if you don’t want to look it up, I could also just live with the pain of not knowing something that’s probably some sort of 80s business buzzword.


Oh no, can’t have that happening!
So I went and re-read + looked up 3k という言葉 and found this link https://www.kaonavi.jp/dictionary/3k/
きつい、汚い、危険 simply all start with K so they were called the 3K


Wow, thanks for googling this for me. Guess the answer was closer than I thought, lol.