Started putting together a simple python library so that I had a simple way to query bits about my progress so far. This is what I have so far.
Not a lot yet, but the main command that I’ve been working on, is seeing a chart of upcoming reviews. For example.
wk upcoming --current --rollup --limit 10<br>Showing upcoming items for level 17<br>Rolled up reviews<br>Timestamp Radicals Kanji Vocab Total<br>2014-01-02 18:39:34 0 6 15 21<br>2014-01-02 18:45:00 7 23 1 31<br>2014-01-02 22:00:00 0 0 1 1<br>2014-01-02 22:30:00 0 3 0 3<br>2014-01-02 23:30:00 2 0 0 2<br>2014-01-03 06:45:00 0 0 10 10<br>2014-01-03 08:15:00 0 0 1 1<br>2014-01-03 08:45:00 0 0 5 5<br>2014-01-03 09:30:00 3 0 0 3<br>2014-01-03 11:15:00 0 1 0 1<br></blockquote>I'll probably try to extend it to query other interesting things as I think of things.<br><br><blockquote> wk progress
kfdm level 17
Radicals: 0/7
Kanji: 0/33
$ wk unlocks
type level character
vocabulary 16 保険
vocabulary 16 危険
vocabulary 16 冒険
vocabulary 16 遠い
vocabulary 16 地面
vocabulary 16 前面
vocabulary 16 外面
vocabulary 16 画面
vocabulary 16 面
vocabulary 16 面白い