勢 (22) - updated meaning and reading mnemonics.
提 (22) - added “propose” to allow list.
係 (16) - updated reading mnemonic.
姓 (36) - updated meaning mnemonic.
有 (6) - added “possess” and “exist” to allow list.
皇 (33) - added on’yomi おう.
紀元後 (15) - moved “after death”, “common era”, and “CE” to allow list, added “Christian era” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and replaced three context sentences.
経験者 (22) - added “person with experience” and “someone with experience” to allow list, added two context sentences, and edited one context sentence.
思い遣り (41) - added “compassion” as alternative meaning, added “thoughtfulness” and “kindness” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
一年生 (4) - added “first grader,” “1st grader,” “first grade student,” and “1st grade student” to allow list.
故意 (26) - added “incident” to block list.
理屈 (27) - added “argument” as alternative meaning and added “logic” to allow list.
募る (37) - added “to appeal for something” as primary meaning, added “to invite something” and “to raise something” as alternative meanings, moved “to appeal for”, “to invite”, and “to raise” to allow list, and added “to grow stronger” to allow list.
痛める (30) - made “to hurt something” an alternative meaning, added “to damage something” and “to damage” to meaning warning list, and updated meaning explanation.
傷める (32) - added “to damage something” as primary meaning, added “to injure something” as alternative meaning, moved “to damage” to allow list, added “to injure someone” to allow list, added “to hurt something”, “to hurt someone”, and “to hurt” to meaning warning list, updated meaning and reading explanations, and added two context sentences.
上げる (1) - made “to lift something” primary meaning, moved “to rise” from block list to meaning warning list.
上がる (5) - made “to go up” primary meaning, moved “to raise” and “to raise something” from block list to meaning warning list, and updated meaning explanation.
滅亡 (43) - added “destruction” to meanings.
力いっぱい (1) - added “full force” and “with full force” to allow list.
月見 (4) - added “moon watching” to allow list.
職場 (23) - added “work” to meaning warning list, updated meaning and reading explanations, and added two context sentences.
- Level 9: 空手 (からて) - karate
- Level 59: 梓川 (あずさがわ) - Azusa River
- Level 59: 沙羅 (さら) - Sara
- Level 60: 某国 (ぼうこく) - a certain country
- Level 60: 某所 (ぼうしょ) - a certain place
- Level 60: 某氏 (ぼうし) - a certain person
- Level 5: 里心 - this word is very old-fashioned and rarely used these days, and we’ve added 人里 and 里芋 to cover the さと (and ざと) readings of 里.
- Level 18: 可分 (かぶん) - this is an obscure technical word, and we have lot of other words to practice these readings.