Need advice and insight on distinguishing transitive and intransitive verbs

Having some difficulties identifying which is transitive and which is intransitive verb.

For example, 止める means to stop something (transitive), while 止まる means to stop (intransitive)

Are there any ways to remember which is which besides pure memorization?

Answers are much appreciated.



I had a few aha moments watching this…


With すspecifically I remembered it by saying that those move すmthing else. Even the ある える one has exceptions, and there are ones that fit neither pattern. I mostly don’t bother and skip if I’m really not in the mood for them and I hope that actual exposure will help me, as it did with rise and raise

The way I learned transitive/intransitive in general is like this: is the verb acting up an object, or talking about moving in some direction? 食べる is transitive because you have to eat an object, but 入る、 なる、 these are intransitive because you are entering or becoming towards something. That might not be helpful in your case though.

Such as?

Best to see them in a sentence. In isolation you can miss the point.

Not sure about the exact words, just had an article list some exceptions to these rules.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a verb pair where one is ~ある and one is ~える that doesn’t follow this rule. There are verbs ending in ~ある that are transitive, but that doesn’t break the rule unless it’s part of a pair.

I might completely be wrong here tbh, way out of my depth here, I just seem to remember it this way.

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