how much do you really want this job. start by asking yourself that. Is this your dream job, or just one that would be nice to have.
If it is indeed your dream job, then go for it, go hard, and pray.
If it is simply a job you would like to have, stop, slow down. aim for N3, and try to pass that. Let the company know you are putting in effort to learning (requirements are rarely hard requirements when it comes to job employment). If you can show the aptitude, and willingness to learn, it will get you far. Show them you know the company, and that you are prepared for what will come.
If you do intend to Pass N2 in 4 months (very difficult, not impossible), then you need to stop practicing Japanese, and by that I mean, start practicing for the test, and only the test. Get a list of the kanji and grammar points on the test, and drill the living hell out of them. don’t worry about SRS, that’s too slow. If you still want to use SRS, then find one like anki or kitsune where you can adjust the intervals, to be quicker. Learn what will be on the test, and focus on that.
Study test taking tips, learn the patterns, and what they try to go for with their answers. Focus on the key components that will help you understand context. the details don’t matter as much.
But most importantly, limit yourself to how much you “learn” a day. Make sure you eat right, and get plenty of sleep. those two things will help you more than anything else. make sure you aren’t studying for more than 8-12 hours a day, let your mind rest, and absorb the information. if you want, watch some anime, or j-drama, or youtubers. something that can be entertaining as well, to ease your stress.