N1 読解練習問題 Suggestions?

Anyone got some good links to practice reading questions?

I have the 新完全マスター読解 but looking for more (preferably free) materials online. Youtube videos, phone apps, anything welcome!

Also currently using DokkaiN1 and JLPT Test app on Iphone!


The way I see it, when it comes to N1, reading as much real Japanese as possible is the most helpful. I’m often encouraged by senpais to read newspapers, magazines, novels etc. So that’s what I’ve been doing since I completed 完全マスター. I’ve found that once I started doing that, the practice tests also became easier. N1 is a different ball game than the others cause anything goes. Its frustrating but quite rewarding in my opinion. Hope this helps! これからも挑戦しよう!


I like to read science and politics Wikipedia articles in Japanese. I’m sure other topics would be good too.

EDIT: Sorry, I missed the “questions” part of “reading questions.” But this is one way that I just practice reading.