Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

That reminds me of another word that uses the on’yomi of 窓:

同窓 - どうそう
Being a graduate of the same school

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an expression that really conjures an image:
to make matters worse / adding insult to injury…

image image


If I’m not wrong, this is an expression based on what schools in Ancient China used to look like (the expression exists in Chinese too, though the hanzi are different): a hall full of low tables with the teacher at the front, often filled with students reading off texts together with their teacher. As such, you could say everyone who graduated from that school ‘shared the same window(s)’, hence 同窓.

(I wasn’t consciously aware of the expression’s existence in Japanese, to be honest, though I’m pretty sure in hindsight that I’ve heard it before. Thanks for sharing!)


I learned ふくろう is sometimes used for “owl” from my romaji-English word search puzzle book last night! I also learned ぶどう for “grape.”

I’m really grateful to my friend for this book, I feel like it will be good for my for my vocab!


Recently learned 嗚呼. Actually laughed when I looked it up in dictionary.


another loan-word, learned from reading:


couple, two people in a relationship together

in my defence, it was very late and i should have been in bed when i wrote that :sweat_smile:


Was it カップル?

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確信犯:Crime of conscience, does also have a colloquial meaning of “premeditated crime; act carried out while knowing that it should not be”. As usual, a word I probably wont use but eh.

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I just recently learned 気を付けて for “be careful”, and started up watching the new season of My Hero Academia, and wouldn’t you know I heard it in that first episode? It just popped right out at me magically.


Given the nature of the show, you’ll be hearing it a lot. :wink:


Aiming for longer words now for some practice and after 民間放送局 a while back, I have 2 more:
交通機関 - public transport
教育制度 - education system

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Might not be the exact last word I learned but 履歴書 came up maybe a day or two ago in vocabulary and just now I was reading NHK Easy and saw the headline 「履歴書に男性か女性か選ぶところがなくなる」and felt really impressed with myself that I could perfectly understand it. Not that this specifically is like a huge accomplishment but it was a moment of realizing that I’m actually learning this!

Not a word, but a phrase:

Thanks to @pragmata さん。

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レッサーパンダ @theghostofdenzo thanks.

Red Pandas are a superior animal, so everyone needs to know how to say their name!


Here’s one I don’t live by…


I don’t disagree, although it’s a shame it sounds like Lesser Panda. :wink:

My entry:


めいきゅう - maze, labyrinth


It is “Lesser Panda”, and that irritates me. That’s taken straight from English.

Basically, westerners discovered the Red Panda first, and just called it “Panda”, probably from the local word for it. Then they discovered the Chinese version and went “Oh, this looks kinda like a panda, let’s call it “Giant Panda”. And I guess so we don’t confuse them, we should call the other one “Lesser Panda”.”


I recently learned ばれる - to leak out (a secret), to be exposed (a lie, improper behavior, etc.)

I didn’t know this but apparently this term is often written in katakana (バレる, バレ), I think for emphasis. For instance, I saw this in an article about an idol’s dating situation being exposed: 彼氏バレ (boyfriend exposed).

I kept trying to figure out what the katakana could mean before looking it up and learning about ばれる!

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You mean


And yes, I don’t live by this one either :sweat_smile:

I’ve never noticed 腹八分目に医者要らず before. Till you posted it I’ve seen plenty of 腹八分に医者いらず and maybe skipped over the other. I saw it the first time from a native speaker in PSO2 as 腹八分に医者いらず and had to google it. I can’t argue one way or the other if it is correct. Maybe a lot of people typo it?

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