Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

Awesome! Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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That there is. And it’s a region in Tokyo. Not to mention 目白山下駅 in Kanagawa.

There’s also an 鶯谷駅 eight stops around the Yamanote line, which is also a bird. The 鶯 that is, not the 谷. The green colour that’s used to identify the Yamanote line is refered to as ウグイス色 in Japanese.


As always, you are a font of knowledge. It’s always nice to hear how the world around us interconnects through language, and I appreciate you taking the time to share.


田植え(たうえ): rice planting

I asked one of my students what she did over the weekend and this was her response! :ear_of_rice:


関所 (せきしょ) - barrier , checking station
I kept reading it as かんしょ in my head while playing Dragon Quest 8. Glad I stopped to double check at some point.
I also learned a few expressions like
油を売る - to slack off
寝耳に水 - out of the blue, unexpected


ぶどう - Grape
I learned it in Torii a few days ago and for some reason it has stuck really well.
Also やわらかい which is soft or gentle.

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It feels nice to see that some common words are starting to show up.

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夏至・げしsummer solstice

夏至祭・げしまつり or げしさいmidsummer feast; summer solstice festival

Happy midsummer, y’all!


反日 - Anti-Japan
If you’re anti the sun, you’re anti-Japan! Don’t be anti-the sun!


But I don’t like the sun, guess I don’t like Japan either then… time to quit studying Japanese.

Jk, I love the sun, and I especially love long days. By the way, for those of you in the Northern hemisphere, today is the longest day of the year (I guess that was technically yesterday, I just always remember it as June 21st). I am going to be sad for the next several months watching the days get shorter and shorter.

My newest word learned: 実力主義・じつりょくしゅぎMeritocracy. I came across it reading a light novel and I just like this word and principle.

I find this one pretty funny in light of certain otaku stereotypes.

等分とうぶん - division into equal parts; equal parts
夜分やぶん - evening; night; nighttime
るにらない - worthless; valuelessIdiomatic expression
マルチポスト - multi-post (as in newsgroups and web forums)
マルチ 商法しょうほう - multilevel marketing system; pyramid selling; chain referral
所得しょとく 証明書しょうめいしょ - income certificate; certificate of earnings
庇護 ひご - patronage; protection
庇護権 ひごけん - right of asylum
真空しんくう - vacuum; hollow; empty
圧縮袋 あっしゅくぶくろ - vacuum bag (used to make clothes, futons, etc. easier to store)

店番みせばん - tending a store; salesperson; sales clerk; shop assistant
もうける - to instruct; to tell to do; to ask to do; to order Humble (kenjougo)
寺院じいん - temple
鐘楼 しょうろう - belfry; bell tower
放火 ほうか - arson; setting fire
聴取ちょうしゅ - listening; hearing; audition; radio reception
再燃さいねん - recurrence; revival; resuscitation
留意りゅうい - heeding; paying attention; bearing in mind
延焼えんしょう - spread of fire
当局とうきょく - authorities; relevant authorities; authorities concerned; this office​

I saw 非常識きわまりない while reading today. After six levels of struggle, I finally stopped confusing 常識 with 意識 a few days ago, so 非常識 was easy enough to figure out.

However, きわまりない was all new to me. Looking it up returned:

“(suffix often in kana) extremely; in the extreme; knows no bounds (e.g. rudeness); unparalleled”

…which sounds right for the scene it was used in.

Now I can confidently probably never encounter it ever again =D

As a bonus, I was able to sound out (with a little bit of struggling) the reading of 交通規則. I had the meaning together before I had the pronunciation fully figured out.


“うそ!” - translated as “No way!”, but I can’t seem to find it on Jisho…
Heard from Chief Arino whenever he’s caught off-guard by something on Game Center CX.

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It’s this one


Ah, thank you! I see what I did wrong now–always included the exclamation point. The surprise was so tied into the word for me that it seemed like an integral part of it somehow.

I learned かぶる. To accidentally bring the same thing to a party, or to double book a timeslot. Excerpt from a text exchange:





将軍 and also 大将
Now I understand what do they refer to whenever they scream 大将 to Levi in AoT.


Quite. And 中尉 and 少尉 in various other military anime.

That said, Levi’s rank is 兵士長, innit? At least at the start. Does he get promoted?