Level 21 before 2021!

Thanks :smile: I was busy today. I need to brush up my memory of the Hagrid entrance chapter and come up with the story without it being too long.

Hahaha. Thanks. I was going for the rhyming. So went with DurtleDex. I will try to be short for the Harry Potter version. It is hard to maintain a balance between gentle transition and abrupt transition with our short story. Undoubtedly, Brevity is the best.


:tofugu::crabigator::tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: おめでとうございます! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball: :crabigator: :tofugu:



:tofugu::crabigator::tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: おめでとうございます! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball: :crabigator: :tofugu:


Level 10 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
last pleasant level before painful journey :no_mouth:


Which script gives that level up picture?

I use this one [userscript] Level-Up Celebrator! ~


Silly question but, how do I join? ^^"

No problem, PamuPanda. Go to the first post on the thread. Click on the “Pencil” icon to edit the wiki. Copy anyone’s information (a single line) and paste it in the appropriate group based on your level. Edit the details to change them to yours. Click save and close. It should reflect your name and numbers.

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We are all Durtles Xae :wink: As Zeus explained in his post the difference between Durtle and Turtle. We are all Durtles in search of our Turtles :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S: I have typed the word “Durtles” so many times that my autocorrect started to recognize Durtle as a legitimate word :rofl:


Feels like bragging, but I’m doing it anyway :cowboy_hat_face:
0/0 on level 11 before tomorrow’s level up. \o/


Those two don’t necessarily have to be an “either-or “ proposition. We can have both write ups :smile:. (Though in the end we can only pick one theme for the thread.)

One can never forget “A thousand years of death” :stuck_out_tongue:

We can probably use a Byakuya meme with Senbon Zakura - As a metaphor for death by thousand cuts (reviews/lessons in this case.)


Thanks! :cherry_blossom: :star2: I joined!
Let’s see if I manage to run all the way to the goal


Awesome. I can see you in the thread. ( mission is a success ). Good luck with your learning :raised_hands:t2:

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Congrats on the 0/0 mweibel :clap: You earned the bragging rights for your hard work, so don’t hold back. Bask in your glory and enjoy the calm before the storm (new level and new lessons) comes knocking on your door :wink:

For today, let’s celebrate :tada:


Hi, sorry for the late response but I added myself to the original post with all my information except the forecast. Do I have to do the forecast myself or is someone handling that?

Someone is handling that.

I did add myself to the spreadsheet before knowing that I had to edit the wiki first, would I have to delete my thing off of the spreadsheet?

Thank you for the info!

I wouldn’t worry. Maybe @Marifly can help out here.