Level 21 before 2021!

Sooo annoying when that happens :sweat_smile: :joy:


Sounds fun! Be writing my name in! :grin:


Also got Spanish on my list, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be learning it at the same time I’m learning Japanese. Would love to know how it goes for you!


dang dude that’s awesome dashboard what scripts are you running?


Dashboard cockpit :wink:


Level up : number 6!
Only 15 to go :slight_smile:

Capture d’écran 2020-05-14 à 14.34.25


I’m curious to see what everyone else is doing along side WK or are people just using WK?

Starting from next week I am going to be working through the Genki books maybe at 1 or 2 chapters a week (Maybe a little faster for the first two chapters because I already have a fairly good understanding of them) including the workbook exercises. I’m thinking about using bunpro with the genki paths so I have to review what I learn in Genki but I am not too sure yet if I will because I currently use KameSame (to review the vocab from WK but producing then rather than recalling) and if I do bunpro too that means 3 separate SRS’ and that might be a tad too much.


I’ve found level 6 to be easier than level 5 so far (I’ve unlocked all kanji on level 6 now)


Here is my Japanese studying routine:

  • WK, trying to remember 20-25 kanji/words per day and keep my review counter 0;
  • One chapter of Genki workbook/textbook every weekend to improve my grammar;
  • Bunpro. Can’t say whether it helps me or not because I use it for just a week, but I chose “Genki path” and try to refresh my grammar between weekends :slight_smile:;
  • Kaniwani. Find it especially helpful for vocabulary which I can’t remember for a long time. It helps you to study words from another perspective, which is definitely helpful for me;
  • This community’s forum. Here’s just a TON of useful information and tips from more experienced fellows :slight_smile:.

Summing up, studying Japanese takes me 1-2 hours per day on working days and 4-5 hours on weekends. Yes, there are many different SRS programs, but they are quite different and I don’t have a feeling that they are mixed up in my mind.
But I have to note that I’m a complete beginner and don’t have any previous experience in Japanese.


That is honestly quite similar to mine, I find that KameSame has a lot more useful features and the creator seems to be updating it regularly which is why I switched to KameSame from Kaniwani last level. There is an option to study the lowest % correct from WK which I find super helpful because the ones I need help on the most are show to me first.

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  1. wanikani 3 times a day trying to catch up with srs intervals for new items. 4-8 hours.

  2. toori.srs - 20 new words every day. Using words from jlpt lists. also trying to use 2-3 times a day. Great app. The fact that it contains lots of wanikani vocab allowed me to get rid of kaniwani.

  3. genki- i hate grammar books but this one is necessary evil IMHO. Also the fact that you are using apps for vocab/kanji learning allows you to completely focus on grammar and neglect vocab/kanji drills.
    you can sometimes finish a chapter in 1-2 days provided you know all vocabulary.

hope to get rid of grammar books completely and just start using bunpro supplied with something else.( curydolly youtube series for example)
Previously i was using kitsun for genki vocab but dropped it because it’s just too slow. Same thing with memrise. Repeating the same word 5-7 times in not the best way in learning a new word. This is why i love toori.srs. Quantity>quality in the long run.

lingodeer app is also great for jlpt 5-4 grammar, but for me, I need additional material for grammar points to stick. still a great app for presenting new grammar rules.

Another late-comer to the party—hoping I can still join in!

Similar story to some other people. Joined a few years ago, got to a certain point, then stopped for a long time. Came back and reset, then stopped again (for me, I thought I failed N5 last July so kind of stopped studying), then came back a month or so ago and have been slowly but steadily trying to build a daily practice.

Glad to have spotted this thread, looks like everyone’s making great progress, and you are all motivating me to keep it up!


It is never too late! Welcome aboard!


Joining in on the adventure. Got to Level 7 two days ago.


It happened to me yesterday too!! hahaha

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Perfect! Welcome!

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Hey guys!

Wanted to share something.

I’m watching Doraemon and I wanted to put my translation and get some feedback.

A asks B.


end (those are netflix’s subtitles)

Whats the matter?
What good thing is in your possession?

So I used a dictionary. First line kinda easy, multiple dictionaries put it the same way. My real doubt here is the use of の to ask a question.

Also, どうした is defined as: (when translated)

  • somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of

So I’m guessing something akin to how are you being affected? or in what way is a situation affecting you? what is affecting you? , would be more literal maybe…

This is my first attempt doing this. How would you guys go about it? What is your translation? Whats you understanding of the の particle use here?


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How is the Jalup app? If you are using both WaniKani and Jalup, is there a high duplication of content? (i.e. learning the same content on both apps) Can you kindly explain how it differs from WaniKani?

Thanks in advance, Marifly.

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The way I’ve heard it, using の at the end of a sentence is asking for an explanation from the person being questioned.

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And this is the non-archived version:

Though granted I haven’t added anything new for a long while.
It has new stuff that wasn’t on the old thread, as well as some reposts where I’ve either fixed broken images from the previous thread or even revamped them a bit.

I tend to lose interest in adding stuff to thread when people stop visiting it.

So it seems to get really popular for awhile and I do new additions, then people forget about it and I lose interest. It’s cyclical. ^ _ ^