Left handed writing (upper right enclosure)

So I started to practice writing kanji so I can be literate, Just kidding, it just helps to memorize which is the on and kun reading by structuring it myself.

I am lefthanded and noticed that most boxes upper and right side is drawn in one stroke and I Just cant seem to write a steady line like that.

Are there other lefties with this problem? And if so how did you overcome it?

Would it be a problem if I wrote it in two stroke if I don’t think i’ll ever begin calligraphy?


左利きhere as well.

I have never noticed a problem with that writing issue, but I don’t really practice writing kanji. I did learn kana with the stroke orders, though. I think it’s the same thing that would happen in writing ロ, ヨ,コ, and ユ from katakana?

For me, getting to take the horizontal stroke down is actually a relief. My big left-handed issue w/ writing Japanese is that writing a horizontal line from left to right is the opposite of the way I naturally do it, and it feels weird every time.


Yeah, its the same issue, that is a problem for me as well. I write in really small letters, so with katakana it is usually not a big issue, but when trying to write big character it gets really exhausting.

I can make the horizontal line easier, by hovering my hand over where the horizontal line ends, and then drawing the horizontal line in one motion, but from there it is unconfortable to bring it down as i like to write vertical lines with my hand to the left to them, not on top of them.

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There’s some info here:

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Well, I’m not a left-handed person, but I still find memorizing the strokes much too troublesome, so, whenever I practice writing I write however is most convenient to me. As long as the result is close enough, it’s fine by me.

This is how my writing looks:

Anyway, best of luck with your studies!


Thanks! I already read that, but I was curious about this specific problem!

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Looks like a very comfy study space, I tried to show mine but apparently I cant get my phone to shoot below 13 megapixels.

Right back at you!

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I’m lefthanded too. I can show you a picture of my notebook later, but I don’t feel I have too much issue with it. I write romaji in cursive, or connected writing at the least, not real cursive, I guess. I usually rest my hand on the page as I write, I think.


I just brute forced through it. In the beginning I tried to rotate the paper so it was more of a stroke down and to the right, but it was too much work.

I figure it’s just part of the lefty tax, like filling up notebooks backwards so the spine doesn’t interfere with your wrist. :wink:


I’m also lefthanded, but I haven’t noticed that problem, though to be fair I’ve been writing Japanese for a long time and don’t remember how much trouble I might’ve had when I started.

I tried calligraphy for the first time recently, and I definitely think we’re at a disadvantage there. The technique seems catered to the more common righties in the world.


I used to do long form calligraphy. The only way I could do it was to either keep my hand off the page or write backwards since I would inevitably smear the writing. A left to right writing system is already stacked against us, lol.


I’m a lefty also, and I learn better when I write things down, so I have multiple notebooks filling up with kanji and vocab. For me, the critical issue with writing is in finding the right pen, because so often we have to push the pen, and ballpoints are made to be pulled across the paper. I have found that small brush tip pens work best for me. I am currently using a fine point Tombow pen that works great, but the tip will wear out, so I’m buying a new one every 4 to 6 weeks. Worth it.


I’m left handed and my top right enclosure tends to be more curve than box shape if I’m writing fast. I’ve also never written a nice looking ん in my life. Whatever. People can read my writing just fine. My English/German handwriting is ugly as well. No big deal.

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Definitely. I personally prefer the Pilot V5 and always have a box on hand. I hate using roller balls.

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Yes, that is the biggest issue I face even today, after almost one year of practising writing. Also, my writing tends to be right-inclined so that makes some of my kana look a little abnormal.

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Opening up this topic again as I’m searching for leftie tips myself. I definitely agree that finding the right pen helps a lot. I use zebra sarasa clip 0.5 or 0.7, as the ink flows nicely and dries quickly so I don’t make a mess all over my hand. But I have a really weird angle on my hand when I write and I press quite hard… so the ink runs out quickly.

Another tip is to have the paper to your left instead of in front of you. I always write English/German in this way anyway, but has the paper even further over to the left to help me see a little easier.

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