Kumirei's Userscripts

Worked like a charm! Thank you so very much!
Sometimes the heat-map does not show up but I just press ctrl+shift+r and I wait for it to load and then it appears.

Thank you!

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Interesting image That has never happened for me
If you want that fixed I would need you to have a look in the console when it happens to see if there’s any error thrown

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Well now I cannot make it “un-appear”… Hahaha
I will try to do what you ask if it happens again. I think I just have an old laptop that needs to be retired already…

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No more error! :stuck_out_tongue:


@lucihdos did you get it working?

yea for some reason as soon as i said anything it started working :woman_shrugging:



I have a userscript request. It is easy, and essential. (to me)

Now that I am back to studying, the only one WK flaw is coming back to me. While one is doing reviews, there is a tiny little box in the upper right hand corner that lists the “reviews in queue.”
Except, from my point of view, it only lists half of the reviews. This has always bugged me from day number one. WK would be absolutely perfect if that number were doubled before it was placed on the screen. I don’t care if it would then always be an even number. If I have 31 reviews pending, I just want it to say that I have 62, the real number of cards that I will be seeing.

Do you know, I just realized how great it is to have a real live supernatural being to ask requests of, and who will actually grant those requests. :bowing_woman:

I am so grateful. :heart:


Should be easy, even accounting for radicals. I’ll do it whenever I get the time. If I forget don’t hesitate to remind me sweat


The calculation is not that straightforward, since radicals only have 1 card. But that shouldn’t be very difficult to calculate.

However, to be consistent, shouldn’t this new number of reviews also be displayed on the dashboard?



It seems so trivial, but it drives me crazy, because I really see the front and the back of the cards to be separate bit of knowledge.

You are the best. Right up there with @plantron!


Updated this script to work by injection (thank you @Sinyaven for showing me how to do this). Should work much better now.


I will reinstall. :slight_smile:

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Better, right?!

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Is it not functionally exactly the same?
Give me one second to examine code …

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Now. <!-- Kumirei Rocks Out Dude →

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