Kanji has changed since the update

This short list from the WaniKani Content Overhaul might help you…

3. On’yomi first.

While most kanji were already taught with their on’yomi readings, we’ve moved some items around, and added some vocabulary, so more of the kanji follow this pattern. To help you out, here is a list kanji where the reading’s correct answer changed from kun’yomi to on’yomi:

Kanji Level Kun’yomi → On’yomi
2 ひだり
2 よん, よ
2 みぎ ゆう
3 かた ほう
4 いし せき
4 う, ぶ
5 あに きょう
5 かんが こう
5 かわ
6 ほし せい
8 じょう
8 いけ
8 とう
9 じゅ
9 ばい
9 もの ぶつ
10 はじ
11 ゆび, さ
11 つた, つて でん
11 よ, い りょう
12 あ, あい ごう
12 まつり, まつ さい
12 たい
12 き, つ ちゃく
16 とお えん
16 しゅ
16 よく
17 よろこ
17 ほそ, こま さい
17 かな
19 いそが ぼう
20 こま こん
22 ね, あたい
26 はり しん
30 あそ ゆう
32 ひさ きゅう
39 こう
45 たましい こん
54 あんず こう

Not all of them changed to on’yomi, though. You’re still going to have kanji that teach the kun’yomi/nanori reading for some reason or another. There was even one instance of an on’yomi reading being changed to a kun’yomi one. Alakazam! Here it is: