KameSame - a fast, feature-rich Japanese memorization webapp

Thanks for all your hard work! I’ve been getting great use out of Kamesame so far.

But is there any way to a list of the items that you manually blocked? I’ve accidentally blocked items before, and I don’t know of any way to unblock it other than to search for the specific item. But it’s possible I have additional items I blocked without knowing, and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to check if that is the case.

Yes, I happened to implement this yesterday in fact.

The link to the list should appear at the bottom of the lessons page:

And the items are in a standard list. I haven’t tested this for a massive (> 1000) number of items, but hopefully it’ll work fine for most people for now until I implement some kind of pagination:

If you want to unlearn an item, you can search for it or click onto its item page (perhaps from your list of apprentice items on the progress page) and then unlearn each lesson you learned for it. Because people invest a bunch of time/effort into each lesson, I don’t offer a bulk unlearn feature.

sorry for the late response

I meant that, even though I’m already level 7, Kamesame won’t update its reviews with kanji past the first two levels or so

Reviews or lessons? Items only enter your reviews if you complete a lesson for the item first.

I thought the lessons were part of the WK clone thingie

No KameSame is a separate system. In order for anything to enter your review queue, you need to complete a lesson for it first.

Alright, thank you

What is the best way to use KameSame? Should I use it on a phone or on a desktop?

I’ve tried KameSame on my desktop and switched between the Microsoft and Google IMEs. The Microsoft IME will give me the kanji but its predictive model will give me more kanji than just the one I am seeking. The Google IME only gives me hiragana.

On my phone (Android), I have no idea what to do. I assume I need to install a keyboard, but I have no idea what to use.

This is a very cool tool that I want to work into my study routine, but I just need some help with the tech details. Thanks!

On Android I have both Swiftkey and Google for japanese, they both are great, you can choose if you want to type in romaji or hiragana.
Swiftkey is more convenient because in a single swipe you go from your regular language to japanese and vice versa.

On Windows the Microsoft IME is great. It is expected it returns more than what you are searching because a lot of words in japanese are pronounced the same. The trouble you’ll have to find the correct spelling in the IME is the same a japanese will have to go through, there is no magic.

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You need a bot to automatically post that - I’m pretty sure many posts in this thread would be solved by this sentence.

You can help it though with a vocab word if you can’t find it. Example: You want to type 々 but you can’t find it. So, you type in 中々 and then delete the extra kanji you didn’t need.

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I noticed I seemed to have blocked items, so I went to check the list (I’m guessing this is a new feature?) but nothing showed up.

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Well that definitely doesn’t look right. I’ll take a look. I assume refreshing the page didn’t force them to materialize

It is a new feature added 2 days ago. It does indicate that you have blocked items. Hopefully this will be addressed soon! :wink:

Can you share what device/browser versions you’re using?

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Chrome 79.0.3945.88, Mac OS 10.14.6. I did a refresh without any changes, and it also doesn’t work in an incognito tab (just in case there’s an issue with cookies or somesuch).

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After a couple weeks with the List feature I’ve made a pretty big change today.

First, some background into how KS works. Up until now, KameSame has had two study modes: “lessons” and “reviews”. When you get a lesson correct, a new “learning” record is created which leads to that card showing up in your reviews. When you get a review right or wrong your SRS level on that learning goes up or down, respectively.

However, lessons turns out not to be a great fit for every list that I want to introduce, especially the 10k list I started with. Why? Well:

  • I want to “complete” the list, but:
  • Among that 10,000, I probably already know 6000 of the words pretty well, but KameSame doesn’t know I know them so they show as incomplete
  • If I just go through all 10,000 as normal lessons, my review queue will quickly be inundated with words I knew before I started studying—not great

To work around this, I’ve created a third type of study mode: “Survey”. Now by checking this box, you can set a list to survey the items inside of a study session, but without anything being automatically added to your reviews:

Screen Shot 2020-01-13 at 11.06.03 AM

Once you’re in the study mode, it’ll look familiar, but the rules of the game are much different:

  1. As soon as you answer any card, it will immediately be “completed”. This means it’s a straight shot through the batch of items drawn from the list

  2. If you get an item right, you’ll get an after-answer action titled “Mark as Learned”. This will create a learning for the card and instantly mark it burned. You won’t get XP for this card, but it will be considered completed for the purpose of your completion of the list and throughout the rest of the app

  1. If you get an item wrong, you’ll get an after-answer action titled “Add to Reviews”. This will create a learning for the card exactly as if you’d finished a regular lesson, with SRS stage 1

  1. If you get an alternate match, you can choose whether to mark it learned or to add it to your reviews

  2. If you just hit enter to continue, the survey moves on but nothing else happens. The item remains on the list and your reviews are unchanged.

The review page will summarize which cards you ultimately dropped into which buckets during the survey.


Just seeing this app and it’s genuinely incredible what you’ve managed to pull off from a software developer perspective (I watched some of your talk but not all, will likely finish at a later date) and as a companion to WaniKani.

I’m so excited to have found this and will be trying to regularly add it to my studies. Thank you again for your work.

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New feature: because some people don’t like marking items they don’t know with a lazy う or something like me, a “mark as incorrect” action under each review which will submit:

Which as far as I know, is not a word in either Japanese or English.