yeah, so a Shuriken is a “hand backside sword” or something… didn’t know that, interesting!
Lots of changes! Excited for 苺, my favorite Bleach character! XD
Not entirely sure whether you know this and were just making a joke, but Ichigo’s name is actually spelt 一護.
Thanks! Fixed the color and added 母 as similar kanji
馬鹿外人… you were supposed to enter that in the reading.
Hey I recognize that!
Reading some とんがり帽子のアトリエ?
Even though it might be more common in kana, I want to learn all the kanji that I can, so who cares if it’s in kana more often. If it can be written in kanji, hit me.
Nice! Maybe they wanted to save space
Wikipedia has more than 20k unique kanji though, so you have to prioritize
苺 almost cost me a burn on 母! But new kanji interfering with old kanji, part of the ‘fun’.
is the wrap up button randomly switching between 10 and 11 more reviews for any one else after the update?
The wrap-up button also finishes up any cards that you’ve only done one of the two reviews for (i.e. reading or meaning but not both).
Its never said 11 for me before this update. I based on my observations there has never been more then 10 active cards before so that shouldn’t effect anything.
They’re all priority.
Since they have introduced the kanji 「苺」, they should also introduce the vocab 「一期一会」, doncha think?
I might be asking a newbie question, but how are those related?
Shhh I was testing if @Kumirei really knows Japanese or not
I was about to ask the same. Since a couple of days the wrap-up button gives me eleven items to go through instead of ten.
But that’s already reflected in the counter. So if you’ve answered three items partly (reading or meaning) the system will only add [limit] - 3 new items during the wrap-up phase.