Taking the JLPT N4 this upcoming Sunday and feel like I am not ready. I have used memrise, bunpro, and wanikani primarily to study. It’s to the point where I’ve questioned if I should even go. Any tips for last minute studying?
Hello! Have you done a practice exam? I mean, is there any reason you suddenly feel like you aren’t ready?
If you don’t go, you definitely won’t succeed. Why not try it and see what happens? Even if you don’t pass, your scorecard will show you which areas are weakest, which can be valuable information.
I have the same problem with the N5 XD
My listening skills suck and I’m not sure if I will pass, and that’s now my second try after I failed the first one. But I will still go and give my best and until then I’m working on practice exams, more bunpro and do some passive listening while driving and at home.
why not treat it as a chance to learn? you’ll see what the test itself looks like, so it’ll be easier to prepare for it next time, and you might stumble over a few new things and pick them up in the process.
日本語の森 playlists for your level. (Great monolingual JLPT-oriented YouTube channel.)
Take as many practice tests as you can, online or via books. When I took the N3, I was tested on a vocab word I had learned literally on the way there, taking a last partial practice test while eating lunch near the campus.
Also, just take it even if you don’t feel ready. You might surprise yourself, and at least you’ll get a feel for the test.
I did well on the one full practice test I took so now I’m being lazy. Hopefully that doesn’t come back to bite me.
I remember learning the word geography 地理 on a level 3 test many years ago (when there were still only 4 levels).
I found every JLPT easier than I expected it to be (except listening, which was always harder than I expected it to be), so maybe one test is fine.
I’m still going to do random questions from here, just not full tests. I just did 60 kanji questions from there just for fun (because obviously kanji won’t be a problem for N3) and I got 58/60 right. I figure I might as well do some of those since it’s late at night and save the harder sections for after I’ve gotten some sleep.
Ah. That’s actually more what I meant. Doesn’t have to be full tests. I just kept up regular test-style quizzing until the day of each one. The reading questions there especially tend to be pretty accurate to the actual tests as far as difficulty too.
You can also find listening textbook aimed at the JLPT on youtube. May be useful :).
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