Jitai (字体): The font randomizer that fits

Ah, I’m so sorry, I noticed that… I just haven’t had time to update the link or the script. You can get it from here – use the lower download link, as that’s for chifont+. You could also download Nchifont+, but you’d have to add it manually to the script.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the script otherwise! :blush:

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I just installed it, so I hope this works!

It would be so great if someone could make a megazip with all of these fonts included…

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That would mean exerting more than the minimum amount of energy me not being a lazy person and actually putting in some effort… maybe someone else will though?

So, I added one too many fonts. One of them I absolutely hate, as its unrecognizable for me and slows my reviews down as I have to hover over it EVERY TIME, and I want it off my computer.

Where can I go to delete it? This thing is awful:



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I actually love that one because it’s how people can scribble kanji on paper. But in case you want to delete it - you’re looking for ArmedBanana.


Yo @Heiopei, why in the world did you change the thread title? What’s up?

Someone actually did, but it’s been deleted by now. I’ve skipped doing that in order to respect all the licenses of the different fonts so far, though I can’t recall if there was any font with a “no redistribution” clause… Perhaps I should take a look at that if I find the time.

Kanji and Kana in thread titles have been causing some issues lately. But I won’t change it back again if you don’t want that.

I love you.

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*smooch* :heart_eyes_cat:

Is there a font for pixelated Kanji, like in GameBoy?

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Try one of these:


This seems fun:

Which fonts do you suggest?

Worth mentioning, I think, is that old games in reality mostly used katakana due to technical constraints. Especially during the NES/SNES/GB era, screens were so low-res that even the curves of hiragana (let alone the complexity of kanji) were hard to achieve. There was also the limited memory, all of which added up to games having テイカイゾウド ノ カタカナ ダケ.

I started using it about a year ago when I started doing the majority of my reviews using the AliCrab app for Iphone.

It seems like it was using wilder fonts in the past and the fonts being used nowadays are a bit more conservative. Is there any truth to this, or am I just getting better at seeing through the font?

Jitai’s collection of fonts supported out of the box hasn’t changed, but it is possible that the developer of Mobile Allicrab (@cplaverty) has changed the collection of fonts the app ships with. If not, however, you’ve just gotten better! :grin:

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I removed Armed Banana, which was a particularly adventurous font. The remaining fonts are fairly conservative because there’s no way currently to choose which fonts you want to use, and I wanted to ensure it appealed to the widest possible audience. I hope to make the font list more configurable in future, at which point I may re-add the more difficult fonts (but probably just not enabled by default).


I added Jitai but it’s not working and I don’t know why …

What browser do you use, and what userscript extension? If you click the userscript icon in your browser toolbar, is it enabled?