Jisho definition copy to clipboard (jisho2json)

I’m often looking up words on jisho.org to add to a wordlist (while watching a show or reading) for later reviewing via Anki.
I want to do this quickly so I can get back to what I was watching - I’ll devote brainpower to learn the word later when I first review it.

Sooo i made a thing that copies the major info to the clipboard when I click on an entry (which I then paste into my wordlist).
More details and screenshots in the readme at -> https://github.com/DJTB/jisho2json

To use it as-is, download the files and load up the extension in chrome via chrome://extensions/
If you want a different output, you’ll need some coding knowledge (or just ask me and I can write you a custom one in no time).

Not sure how useful this is to other people; thought I’d throw it out there anyway.
My wordlist is growing rapidly thanks to this though!

Bonus protip, type [CTRL+T] jisho.org [TAB] 何か [ENTER] while in chrome for speedy lookups in a new tab.
If you use jisho enough you’ll be able to enter j then [TAB] :wink:

Next up, I’m looking to create a converter that outputs Anki cards. Similar to https://github.com/NessDan/japanese-list-to-anki probably, but instead of taking a ‘ romaji - english meaning1 | meaning2’ wordlist, it’ll be able to take ‘感情 - meaning1’ for lookups with the jisho api. 

Not sure if i’d use it, since I find that typing the information actually helps me remember the information more, but very cool. :]

I totally get that, but I was noticing that a 20min episode somehow would always turn into 45mins+. This way I only have to break for ~5 seconds.

The other main reason was to have consistency in a wordlist (so in future perhaps I’ll import these into KaniWani, or convert to anki cards with a script). I’m definitely not pushing this on anyone! :smiley:

Subversity said... I totally get that, but I was noticing that a 20min episode somehow would always turn into 45mins+. This way I only have to break for ~5 seconds.

The other main reason was to have consistency in a wordlist (so in future perhaps I'll import these into KaniWani, or convert to anki cards with a script). I'm definitely not pushing this on anyone! :D
Ahhh that's the worst. I'm just incredibly lazy and don't use shows to foster my vocabulary. It's probably really stupid of me. I just hate making flashcards because it's not fun to use them. xD 
I use iknow because I need something that makes it feel like a game.
I'm thinking about giving it another chance starting Jan 1. Maybe i'll need this then. xD
Is there a way to incorporate other dictionaries or jisho only?

Unfortunately for you, this is specifically targeted to jisho.org. It hinges on the way their information is presented on the website.

I see! It’s fine. :] 
I’ll bookmark this thread for the beginning of next year. I do heavily use jisho, but then use alc/goo/weeblio for more examples. 
Thanks! ~

I was considering doing something similar for Goo/Weblio/Tsukuba’s Uni-based entries, but frankly with the amount of effort you’ll eventually be going through to make terminology clearly distinctive or to understand nuance, you’ll be writing up your own definitions from the explanations more than anything if you want proper definitions. You’ll eventually have issues from the DB that Jisho pulls from, such as several synonyms for a single term that should clearly not be there, and defining multiple terms as the same word or with similar synonyms that don’t clearly define their boundaries or nuance. Or maybe I’m pedantic and like categorization too much.

I’ve never really made extensive flashcards before so i’m not really sure what I would need. I’ve almost never looked up nuances, but now that I know a good number of words, I’ve realized how difficult it can be when you’re trying to write your own sentences. So I think any help is nice. :]