JBC's NO.6 's Discussion Thread

Ok, so here are some comments on the book as I read it. (I did not take notes on past chapters, so I’m trying to reconstitute what I was thinking at the time).
Also, it’s such a fun experience to read the thread along with the book. I get to see everyone’s guesses and compare to my own. I wonder if it would make sense to reply to those posts, since even the people who are still on the forum might not have a clear memory of the events anyway, but we’ll see :rofl:

Chapter 1

That chapter gave me some 新世界より vibes, actually. I guess it’s a mix of the dystopian future setting (the distant year 2013 :rofl:), the fact that the town is designated by a number (coming in I thought it would be someone’s name, mostly I was thinking of this number 6) and バケネズミ.
Also, how can the main character just turn off the security while a prisoner is on the run without immediately trigger a reaction from the authorities?
And, alright, I’m getting some strong BL vibes as well. “Why are you helping me?” “Because of your beautiful grey eyes I’ve been wanting to try to perform surgery in forever.”

Chapter 2

Now that I think about it, the ranking of people from age 2 kinda remind me of the movie GATTACA as well.

Yikes, body horror. The teeth falling out of the mouth thingy? Not my cup of tea. I guess it is a horror book after all.

Re: what I said on chapter 1: Okay! The authorities did find out, nevermind :rofl: I still feel like just putting 紫苑 and his mother all the way to the bottom of the social ladder is still a soft punishment… But maybe it’s a way to keep them under surveillance? Keep your enemies close, as they say. If they had been banished outside the city, who knows what kind of evil plan 紫苑 could have been fomenting thanks to his “exceptional” brain. A smart move from the authorities (I guess), since in the first chapter his subconscious was literally telling him to destroy everything :joy:

沙布, nice job on the “I want your sperm”, very romantic :ok_hand:. That being, 紫苑 doesn’t look like he would be too much against the idea… So maybe not BL? :astonished:
Wait, nevermind, just the thought of meeting again ネズミ just lighted him up like a 4KW floodlight.

Chapter 3

Oh, hey, making the recently departed look like they were completely fine. Now I’m getting some Brave New World vibes. Are we going for the dystopian bingo?

More body horror. Looks like an absolutely terrifying way to die… Also passing out while the thing that just killed at least two people in 24h in still around? Not the brightest idea. (Not that you can really help it, I guess)

Okay, wait, isn’t the city supposed to be monitoring everything, especially in terms of insects and so on? Would they not know that a bee has randomly appeared in the environment? Also, if they have voice recordings of all places, why would they not have visual feeds as well? Doesn’t seem to hard to hide a microcamera somewhere, especially with their technological level. Then, 羅史 should know about it, right? Oh well, I guess it won’t change the fact that they need to bring 紫苑 away from the town ASAP.

Running away through sewage. Great.

Chapter 4

And of course 紫苑 has been contaminated. What did you expect. And immediately denial.

Uh, would look at that, different symptoms, and you survived with (maybe?) no sequels. Convenient.

ネズミ is really going pretty far for 紫苑. I’m guessing medicine is pretty hard to come by in those slums… Is it love :eyes:

Oh. Not without sequels. I see.

「気になるなら、後で染めてやる。けど、けっこうきれいだぜ。それに […] 赤いヘビを身体にまきつけとくのも、なかなかに艶っぽい」Smoooooth :rofl:
Me thinks they protest too much :eyes:

Chapter 5

Oh! Maybe the cocoon got damaged when 紫苑 hurt his neck when ネズミ tried to crash the car and it stopped brutally? Looking at chapter 3 again, it was actually his shoulder that got injured. Still, could be. Or some other shocks coming just after or even biohazard from the sewers…

Okay, I guess a lot of things I was wondering about were answered. The city is aware of the problem and is just trying to frame 紫苑 to buy time before a panic breaks out. I guess the rest of the series will be a rush before the deadline of spring, get slightly too late with a final where the power-that-be is confronted and the population is still saved. I guess they will go and contact 沙布 as well. It would be too weird to have her completely disappear from the story too.



That is some nice memories. I read the first 6 book before coming to japan. I plan to read the rest when I go back home. Some of your answer are in future books. I left on such a cliffhanger too.
This was the first japanese book I read so my memories are kinda fuzzy but I did remember what you are talking about.

I was looking for the word in the dictionary and just laugh when I understood what it was.

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It doesn’t feel cliffhangery to me, since there’s no sense of urgency at the end. Even ネズミsays that 紫苑 has time to get better and read books :thinking:

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I meant after volume 6 where I stopped reading the serie

Ah! Since you never commented after the beginning of volume 2, I thought you had stayed there :sweat_smile:

:eyes: :eyes:

Oh, I missed that somehow :astonished:

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