Japanisation Classroom new thread!

huuuummmm, you new starting date doesn’t seem really realistic^^ you have 60 unlock per day ^^
People with really fast pace have like 20-23 unlock per day, so maybe you can use this number to choose your “fake” starting date ? so the average stay coherent.

fair enough. The current one is just my “return from hiatus” -day. :3

edit: now it’s as close to the average as I cared to explore the dates.

thanks, if you keep this one, you’ll be the only in green ^^ you make all of us look like bad student :stuck_out_tongue:

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gonna update all that stuff, i moved your line so people are sorted by starting date, don’t worry, didn’t delete you ^^

Just recently joined the classroom (I went to add my name and my info already in Google). I was in vacation mode from December 2016 till mid April 2017 so I am all freshened up to finally burn some lessons!!!

So many newcomer today ! Welcome to you =)
And good luck with your turtle burning^^

It’s times like these that make me super happy
Then I get ‘rewarded’ with like 40 lessons lol


Hey just a quick question.
Since the Unlocked-column is locked from all except admins, why not change the cells in that column into SUM(cell1, cell2 …) -functions?
This is so that those people, who like to update their progress themselves, would get an automatic change in the unlocks and unlocks per day -cells also. … or would it mess up with the unlocks per day -calculation from performing correctly?

two digits real soon although I started years ago.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean. The Unlocked column is made up of SUM functions.

Ahh! I see now it’s just mine that isn’t a SUM function. Damn…
@Dschee @Prozar mind correcting that for me at some point?
Thanks in advance d_

edit: went trough everyone’s unlocked-cell. Apart from me, RajanGetalal’s cell has the same “issue” (row 98)

ok, i thinks it’s ok now. Have to admit i have no idea of how the spreadsheet work but i think it’s ok now^^
thanks for letting me know !

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Looks all fine to me, @Prozar must have fixed it. :thumbsup:

juste levelled up , level 13

I’ve slowed down a bit lately

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Good job!! and if that make you feel better, you’re not the only one slowing down ^^ this lvl 16 is my longest by far !!

I’m a bit busy with my work so I take less time on lessons …

level 12 – yay

Average Level-up:14 days, 5 hours (unchanged from previous)






74 lessons

Hmmm, level 11 done. It didn’t seem too hellish. Lets see what level 12 brings.

@Prozar - Thanks for linking some awesome resources. ^^

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It was never a problem. Surely they must be exaggerating. However, the reality was that I just never noticed the pain. It’s always been there silently growing in the background and now I can’t possibly ignore it. The only hope of salvation is through death itself… or alcohol. I may be just a wee bit salty over my last review session >:(

@Foxington good job =) enjoy the pain ! hopefully it’ll stay “not too hellish”

@ccookf alcohol is a really good idea ! maybe i’ll try that Oo