Japanese text to voice reader

I am kind of new here but I came across something that I found helpful and I thought it might come in handy for other folks too. Whenever I do a new lesson I find that sometimes I find myself skipping over some of the context examples because I am not always able to recall the correct reading for some of the Kanji. Sound familiar? I have been wishing that audio files would be included along with the context examples. I had the bright idea of searching for a Japanese text to speech converter so I did a google search and found this website

You can copy Japanese text, paste it into a window and hit the read button and it will speak the text for you. Best of all it is free! On one hand I feel like I am cheating a bit because I should look up the readings I have forgotten. But considering that you can look up a reading if you get the meaning (and vice versa) it seems like a certain amount of that is OK. And since I am trying to learn Kanji to help my very basic Japanese, it seems like getting someone to read things out loud will help me a lot. Anyway have a great day everybody.


You could try installing the Advanced Context Sentences user script. Then you can have the context sentences read directly from WK and save some steps and time.

Just click the speaker at the end of the context sentence.


Additionally this script can further help with understanding the examples as it will automatically highlight all kanji that are taught in WK, show via colour which ones you have already studied vs,. those yet to be encountered and provide a pop-up if you hover your mouse over the kanji and show (meaning, readings plus some other stuff) info about the kanji.


If you noticed that in my screen capture the English translation is hidden, that is the Wanikani Hide Context Sentence script at work. To reveal the translation hover mouse over it. I find this script very useful as I find it impossible to not see/read the English translation if it is there. Much easier and more elegant that trying to hold my finger over it :grinning:

Wow thanks for that. I am not especially well versed with computers but I will see if I can’t figure it out. And I have some excellent IT folks who I am sure can help me. Thanks again!

If you go the “API and Third-Party Apps” category here on the WK forum, you will find a pretty detailed instruction/walk-through of adding user scripts for WK. Here is one such post from that category