Dec 6
Kanji in Ascending Stroke Order
Kun: き
On: キ、 ケ
Words of the day: 浮気 (extramarital sex; affair; fooling around), 何気ない (casual; unconcerned; nonchalant). 血の気 (blood (in one’s face, cheeks, etc.), colour, hotheadedness, impulsive temperament)
While there are many great 6-stroke kanji, I could not not do 気. It’s ubiquitous, uniquely Japanese (or at least does not have a direct equivalent in Western languages as far as I know), and can mean more or less anything (well, it means things like spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood, but it changes so much depending on what it’s attached to). Of course it’s taught in the first grade and it’s JLPT level N5, and WK level 4. I find its shape very pleasant too.
Japanese Calligrapher Takumi teaches us how to write it here:
Here’s the stroke order:
And variations (for once I find even the last one recognizable):