I was just wondering if there is a third-party app that can print flashcards from WaniKani material. For example, printing flashcards for all the Kanji in lesson one. Currently, I’m using Quizlet, but if there was a way to automate it I would really appreciate it. Thank you for all your help in advance!
none i’d know of, but you could look for “wanikani anki” on the forums. there’s anki decks in wk order, those can be printed i guess.
or quizlet, of course.
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Will export things to anki. But only things you’ve unlocked, so won’t work if you’re looking for a way around subscribing, which I hope isn’t your goal.
Not an app, but if you’re looking to print off paper flashcards for extra study, @RoseWagsBlue has got you covered:
Hey I just tried this and it downloaded .txt files.
Any idea how to import this to Ankidroid? The website doesn’t seem to say anything.
Edit: whoops found the documentation.