Is my progress too slow?

I highly, highly recommend using the new “Self-study” feature to get more reviews in for newly introduced or often missed items. Even better, in my opinion, is to use the Ganbarometer to launch the Self-Study userscript for items still in stages 1 and 2.

I’d seriously stop doing lessons altogether and do lots of self-study before and after your “real” reviews until you only have around 100 apprentice items. Then you can find your optimal pace that keeps the workload and difficulty fairly constant.


That is A LOT of apprentice items. I would say wait until you are around like 75-150 apprentice items to continue lessons. It is very hard to progress with that many apprentice items

Not really, I’ve had 300 apprentice items before, sure it was alot of reviews but it wasn’t really unmanageable. Sure wouldn’t want it long term since it would be inefficient, but short term it really doesn’t matter.

your pace is pretty normal. at level 40 you can already read alot when it comes to kanji, which is good for just 2 years.

I agree with the others that 275 Apprentice items is a lot. Apprentice items are the big driver of workload because they come back so often. I’d also agree that stopping lessons, focusing on your leeches, and whittling away at the Apprentice stack is the way to go.

That said, if 3 weeks were slow, I might as well have given up by now.

I aggressively throttle my lessons to keep my Apprentice plus Guru count manageable. If it gets up over 450 combined I tend to start suffering. Currently it’s sitting at 65 + 363. My Apprentice count is right where I want it, my Guru count is a bit higher than I like.

But I say this a lot, “The only pace that’s too slow is quitting. All other paces are just fine.”


I was at a few hundred apprentice some weeks ago, had no time for WK so the stack grew very high, and I essentially could not progress since I just made too many mistakes and they came so frequently. So adding new material would be of zero help to me unless I was doing extra self-study. Which I was not. The same items would just keep coming up like every single day since retention was poor from the sheer amount of new material I was trying to process

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I just wanted to say that everyone’s feedback helped a lot, and using the new feature that lets you practice recent mistakes has been a lifesaver. I managed to reduce my Apprentice items from 275 to 50, and i feel like i’m back on track. Thanks everyone!


Most common mistake is that people aren’t doing their reviews often enough. Good that it worked out.

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