Is anyone else getting this glitch?

Hi!! I’m doing my lessons right now, but everytime I pass a bundle of elements, I get the same screen asking me if I want to continue with new lessons and it just won’t go away, I don’t mind having to reload the page, but it concerns me a bit.

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WaniKani can act really funny if you have more than 1 tab/window of it open to reviews/lessons. Perhaps that is your issue? I see 2 lessons tabs open in the screenshot provided.


Are you using a reorder userscript?

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(Don’t reorder your lessons into level order, or you’ll end up with 500+ lessons from 4 levels to do… I totally didn’t do that and regret it)


right! thank you so much


I’m not, it was the tabs problem! but thank you anyway

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I guess lucky me that I don’t know how to reorder them! :joy:

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