Would anyone please help me and explain how I can export all 60 levels (both kanji and vocabulary) to Renshuu? It’s okay if the process of exporting will take time, as long as it will pay off. I don’t afford to pay for WaniKani and I don’t want to stop either. My thirst to learn the language is unquenchable…
I’m looking forward to your answers!
Thanks in advance!
I don’t know, I don’t want to be the one to rain on the parade here and be a stickler, but your request actively undermines this community and I don’t think that’s what you want based on conversations in other threads.
my ode to respecting creators
This lovely community is attached to WK. And WK survives by people paying for its services. It doesn’t feel right to help people load off their content somewhere else using the forums and community supported by WK, ouch. It might feel ethically fine because your logic is probably that you won’t pay for it anyway. But each time someone does this, it makes it easier and easier for others to use without paying for it. In the age of AI, content creators will anyway have a harder and harder time getting paid for their efforts.
If you can’t pay for it, why not ask for advice for alternative low cost / legitimately free options? There are books (I can recommend Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course book if you want mnemonics) and perhaps someone with experience can comment, but I think JPDB’s kanji learning material is legitimately free. Or use one of the ordered lists on the Kanji Study App that you’ll have to pay for anyway. That kind of thing. Creators know there is competition. It’s a fair question to discuss ethical competitors.
Japanese has such an abundance of resources created by passionate people, it’s incredibly easy to learn with resources made by their creators with the intention to be free. So ask for those!
And if you want something intended by the creator to be their livelihood, well, it has a price. I just want to be a champion for those people and say (from personal experience as well) - it’s not easy to create something, and it’s even harder to make money from it. The whole chain of that creation and distribution might be more complex and involve more livelihoods than you realise.
Of course I have no malicious intents at all neither towards WK nor its community. I honestly can’t comprehend where I went wrong while I see endless requests here in the same community to export to other apps. I was just reading a post of another user asking about integrating the data here with another app that he uses because of the WK’s payment. Where is the problem, then?!None of the other posts was answered with anything but the steps needed to get the process done!!!
Though not prohibited by the API, but I wouldn’t want to export contents after Level 3 to a different SRS platform, without paying for the SRS after Level 3 (i.e. active subscription to WaniKani).
Nonetheless, I wouldn’t have qualms using a different vocab list or a different Kanji list. (In addition to using a different SRS platform.)
I normally ignore these threads, as I’m sure others do, because it can get heated. But since we’ve had some discussions here, and I’m sure you care about this community and had no malicious intent, I just thought I’d express my thoughts to make you aware of a different perspective. Just because other people have done something and others have helped it along, and many others looked away, doesn’t make something right…
I’m not judging you, and I’m not going to enter all the discussions like this. I just feel now and then, it’s important to stick my neck out on something like this, as if enough people do that, it can reinforce related values as a default for the community.
Yeah, I think there’s certainly people that feel that what they’re paying for is the app, and that’s why people feel justified to take the content with them to other apps and stop paying WK if they don’t like the features, pace of development, or pricing of the app as an app, but to me that does sort of discount the value of the content, which people doing that have to recognise at least somewhat, otherwise they would be using many of the intentionally freely available decks (like Tango, Core 2k, TheMoeWay, etc.) rather than looking for a WK deck specifically.
If it had been stated somewhere else that it was wrong, I wouldn’t have bothered to think about it in the first place, but I didn’t know anything about it before, nor did I see the slightest hint of it, and the first time it was stated happened to be in response to my post. So I’m not to blame. No-one did, I know, but I’m just clearing up my side.
I think if it’s just about exporting current progress (kanji learned) to a different platform that’s absolutely fine, but if it’s about dumping all content and example sentences and audio files into a separate application that’s ethically wrong IMO. That stuff takes a lot of time and resources to create. And as @mitrac points out, there are so many free resources out there to learn every aspect of Japanese that I don’t see why you’d go down that route anyway.
I’m very critical of WaniKani’s (lack of) progress over these past few years so I absolutely understand not wanting to pay for the product in its current state, but that doesn’t mean that jacking their stuff is appropriate.
no worries, I was pretty sure you hadn’t thought about it that way, which is why I wanted to give you a heads up
Since you started the thread, you can ask the mods to close it if you like (put an @ in front of the word mods to tag them). You might want to consider that, if you feel this has run its course, as otherwise, you will keep getting tagged as the topic inevitably meanders in a different direction than you intended.
Sure, don’t apologise, my instructions weren’t very clear. The following text will tag the mods, so perhaps reply to confirm it’s your intention We don’t tag the mods a lot, but for something like this I think it’s a good idea.
@Mods I believe OP would like to close this thread, thanks!