Yeah, I get your point now. Well, thanks for taking the time of reading the thread. As a matter of fact, I’ve been wanting to make this game since I left High School; that’s was about 15 years ago.
What I mean is, I love Japanese language, I love teaching and I love RPGs; and I have plan for this stuff. First, I want to cover reading (as in reading, listening, speaking and writing) to fluency level (so around N1 I guess?), that includes understanding words and grammar. That’s my first goal.
Then, if I get enough money from that, I’d like to cover the listening part, because for that I’d need voice actors and it would cost some money.
Of course, I’d like to cover composition/ writing and talking, but that requires more Japanese language knowledge and technical knowledge, and actually I haven’t thought about those ones. So thank you for asking, it helped me ask that to myself and order my thoughts.
I don’t know about comparison with WK. I guess the order would be different I would like the player to be able to pass the JLPT levels step by step. So I’ll use some of those JLPT lists of vocabulary and kanji that are on the web to set my requirements of learning.
Of course, this might take several years, but for me, I think the harder part was starting.
I hope this answered you question. What do you think?
PS: yeah, it seems that was myself who didn’t read your words carefully/ didn’t understand them correctly, so I apologize.