I need motivation to keep up


First off, clear all vocabulary Lessons first. The fix script for this is Wanikani Reorder Ultimate [old version, not working]. However, you might skip Kanji lessons for now. This will also prevent leveling up. Well, planning something like 2 weeks to level up, OK.

Second, Reviews: 350 – clear all Apprentice, ignoring all Guru count / Total Review Count. The fix script for this is WaniKani SRS Reorder Button (or [Userscript] WaniKani Review Asc/Desc SRS Order if you prefer, but I like the former more.) Yeah, you don’t have to care if your Review Count is eventually sky high, as long as Apprentice is low.

Third, sky-high Review Count, to decrease to 300 per day as usual, I use “Reorder Ultimate” to do lower levels first.