Actually I wasn’t really thinking about to get a language pal but I know I’ll need it eventually so I’ll keep it in mind thank you!
I reckon you should shoot as much as you can. People will correct you if you are wrong thus lerning more.
I still hear older generations slip this out as it was still used even after the war in US. Interestingly, according to wiki this wasn’t necessary derogatory term pre-war. It’s well known here for obvious reasons but curious how it’s unknown internationally.
Sometimes language differences make the term ‘Jap’ meaningless because the word ‘Japanese’ doesn’t correlate with 日本人 or the fact that they never had a cultural event that made the term a slur.
I’m 13 why do people always mention the smol people I know STUFF it’s not my fault I haven’t been alive for that long vegfeetegyhcdbtrvwevbghjf
Having a higher age count just means you managed make more mistakes that haven’t managed to kill you yet.
Not that it might actually contribute anything to the discussion, but the german word “Japse/n” is also very offensive. Just fyi
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